Who Thought of This?

The Spanish word esposo [e-SPO-so] means husband. One meaning. The Spanish word esposa [e-SPO-sa] means wife. It also means handcuffs. You KNOW a guy thought of this. *********** OKAY OKAY: I stand corrected. Fortunately, I’m used to this living with teenagers....

Icy Toes

I like to sit up at night after everyone has gone to bed and read blogs or surf the tv or watch Weeds (downloaded from iTunes). Just sorta hang-out "alone" in the house. It’s winter here in Costa Rica and up here on the mountain, it’s cold. Like...

Teen Angst

As parents of two teens, we are keenly interested in schooling and the future of the current teen population. Mostly in Costa Rica and the U.S., but around the world, as well. These teens will be our leaders, shaping our world’s future, good or bad. In charge of...

Workout Time

I’ll be 51 in two weeks. How did this happen? It seems like only yesterday I was young and cute and skinny. Yesterday, 1986. The fact that I may not live forever is painfully clear. If I don’t get into better shape, I could drop dead any minute. As part of...

Cookin’ in Costa Rica

The joke in my house is that if the smoke alarm goes off, Mom is cooking. HAHAHA. Oh, wow, that’s funny. Almost as funny as "Mom, which direction are we heading?" Which I always answer wrong the first three times. So? So imagine our surprise when I...

Mr. Lee’s Adventure

Mr. Lee is an expat living in Jaco. I’ve never met him, but just finished reading about his recent journey to the campo [countryside] in Nicaragua.  I don’t know how I would have fared to tell you the truth. A fascinating tale....

September 11, 2006

I remember watching the Challenger blow up. I was standing next to Mimi McDonald, I think we were at her house in Key West… I’d just walked in to drop off something and she said something like, "Look, Christa McAuliffe, the schoolteacher, just took...