Aug 29, 2009 | Living-In, Spanish
9 oct 2007Eduardo is our Spanish teacher. He comes to our house three mornings a week for two hours at a time. (Ok: $300/month.) We sit, we chat y nosotros aprendemos [no-SEW-troce ah-prin-DAY-moce, we learn]. Hal met him when he took a class in book-binding. Jorge...
Nov 4, 2008 | Hal, Spanish
or: Nurturing Cultural Intercourse and the Integrity of English in Central AmericaWritten by guest author, el Profesor de Inglés, Hal:The school is a single room concrete block building up in the hills behind Santa Ana in Costa Rica. It’s poorly lit and cheaply...
Jun 11, 2008 | Culture Shock, Etiquette, Living-In, Plumbing, Spanish, Utilities
Man, my patience is tried. I’m fried, wiped out. I surrender. Ok, I almost surrender, but it’s touch and go. When bad things happen here – just everyday bad things – you come up against the culture shock thing big time. Because simple solutions...