Remember my pithy play on words en Español regarding my natural seat when it comes to horseback riding? Well, I wrote to Christopher Howard, the expat expert on Costa Rican Spanish.
He asked:
I wrote him back:
A tica friend suggested soy jinete innata [I am born to be a horsewoman]. Does that work?”
P.S. This friend also suggested I might use soy Amazona innata [I am hugely innate], but I’m not sure I want to use the word Amazona in any sentence to describing my seat.
He said:
Por la forma de mis glúteos los cuales se acomodan a la forma del lomo de un caballo precisamente, yo nací para montar a caballo.
[According to the shape of my butt which fits the shape of the back of a horse I was born to ride horses.]”
I’m not sure I want to describe my butt in such detail. But I do yearn to be accurate… I guess I better get to practicing this phrase right now so I’ll be ready the next time the subject of horseback in relation to my butt comes up. Bound to be any day now.
Go with Chris’s explanation, but for simplicity, just use the last part, yo nací para montar a caballo. Then you can always go into more detail depending on the reaction 🙂
If you want to be more informal, use the word nalgas (buns) instead of that bodybuilding term – gluteos.
Ah, gracias!
And are you going to tell them the full story Sally?
Or should I 🙂
If you are there and the conversation turns to horseback riding… I will have to change the subject immediately!!!
Whoa there Sally,
Don’t think I’d use the word [i]nalgas[/i]. It can have somewhat vulgar connotations.
I really like the two suggested phrases:
[i]soy amazona innata[/i] (note lower case)
[i]soy jineta innata[/i] (not ‘jinete’ which is masculine)
Both of those above phrases sound tico and convey well to me the sense of ‘natural seat’.
Also I agree with not using the ‘glúteos’ remark as it seems far too literal.
BTW, I checked in my New World Spanish/English Dictionary and the word ‘amazona’ means horsewoman or equestrienne. It doesn’t say ‘big’!
¡Pura Güipipía!
Paul M.
Well, I think I’ll keep nalgas handy for just the right occasion… don’t think I can use Amazona no matter what it really means! But thank you – I am somewhat relieved!!!
In lower case ‘amazona’ means horsewoman, etc.
If capitalized ‘Amazona’, it means an Amazon, like the Amazon women of Greek mythology. And they were warrior horsewomen…
Capitalized the Diccionário de la Real Académia Española also lists it as meaning a mannish woman or one who dresses in men’s uniform or clothing.
Context will make its actual meaning clear when used.
And, of course, seeing my tiny butt.
lol! All these explanaitions sound very funny, but if you just want to ride without a horse chair tell the person: Yo quiero montar “a pelo”.
No need to describe your “contoured but cheeks”, hahahaha!
Montar “a pelo” means no saddle…
Good luck!
Perfecto!!! Gracias.