Jun 2, 2010 | Bureaucracy, Immigration, Legal Arrangements, Teenagers, Travel Tips
You will be, too, when you read this, especially if you’ve ever had first-hand experience with migración. If you are moving to Costa Rica, a visit to migración will be required sooner or later. By the way, be sure to take your own papel higenico [pa-PELL...
Feb 8, 2008 | Culture Shock, Domincal, Ojochal, Travel Tips
Cindy, Gary and their tres hijos [trace EE-hose, three sons] have been planning a trip to Costa Rica for many months. And I mean planning, leaving no stone unturned. Secretly harboring a thought or two of giving up the stinking Canadian rat race and transplanting to...
Oct 2, 2007 | Indigenous Societies, Travel Tips, Volunteering
Carly wrote to me this week about her family’s upcoming visit. And the extras they are bringing in their suitcases. I post it to give you ideas about how YOU can bring a little extra something when you come to Costa Rica! It’s so easy!!! Carly writes to...
Sep 20, 2007 | Accommodations, Attractions, CR: Wildlife, Travel Tips, Volcanos
Jane wrote to me this morning:Hey, Saratica:My Son has visited your site many times and loves all the info you give. He and I are coming to CR this weekend. We are enrolled in a language school in San Jose. We will have the afternoons and weekends free. Can you give...
Aug 18, 2007 | MOM, Travel Tips
Mom went to Cancún yesterday. Mexico. You know: that little tip of peninsula where Dean should be landing in just about 36 hours from now? Yeah. Now you know where I get it. Remember Hurricane Gilbert, 1988? Mom had had a trip to Cancún planned for months. Arrival...
Aug 14, 2007 | Caribbean, Culture Shock, Hope, Pueto Viejo, Teenagers, Travel Tips, Volunteering
"Works, Not Words." On the last jungle weekend of Camp Jungle2Jersey, the boys and I visited Barry and Nanci at The Bridge located a hair to the north of Puerto Viejo. I will try to write about The Bridge and our day there without using the words incredible,...
Aug 3, 2007 | Travel Tips
This is one of those too creepy / too cool things… go here:http://www.fboweb.com/antest/ge/intro.aspx?old=1 Track any flight now in the air. 6pm Costa Rica time: the boys are on Spirit Air flight #304. Eerie…
Aug 3, 2007 | Caribbean, Crime, Pueto Viejo, Teenagers, Travel Tips
July has been quite the month for lessons on crime. On Day One of Camp J2J, we were stolen from. At our first cabina in Puerto Viejo, I was accused of stealing, lying and poor parenting. When I got home, I discovered we’d had an attempted break-in at our house....