Aug 4, 2010 | Moving from Costa Rica, Schools, Teenagers
Maybe some of the following applies to tico teens, too, I don't know. I only know mine. Very well. As they do me, since we're together all day every single day and always have been. In Fred's comment yesterday, he brought up points I had originally...
Jun 2, 2010 | Bureaucracy, Immigration, Legal Arrangements, Teenagers, Travel Tips
You will be, too, when you read this, especially if you’ve ever had first-hand experience with migración. If you are moving to Costa Rica, a visit to migración will be required sooner or later. By the way, be sure to take your own papel higenico [pa-PELL...
Aug 29, 2009 | Culture Shock, Death & Taxes, Driving, Expat, Legal Arrangements, Living-In, Teenagers
22 jan 2007This is how scary the roads are here: on Xavier's and my first date in Costa Rica, as he was white-knuckling the steering wheel and I white-knuckling my thighs, ä thought occurred to both of us simultaneously. What would the boys do if we didn't...
Aug 21, 2008 | MORGAN, Rancho Mastatal, RYAN, Summer Vacation, Teenagers
Ryan is a lovebug. Spontaneously affectionate, huggy, sweet. Morgan, although he adores me (of course, who wouldn’t?), is not spontaneously affectionate. When the boys are away, Ryan calls me to chat probably once a week, sometimes a few days in a row if there...
Aug 12, 2008 | Rancho Mastatal, Summer Vacation, Teenagers
That’s where we dropped off los tres muchachos yesterday. Good ‘n far away! Actually, the odometer says it’s only 47.7 miles from our house. The 2.5 hour drive at 20mph makes it seem across the world. Thank goodness it’s another one of Costa...
Jul 13, 2008 | MORGAN, RYAN, Summer Vacation, Teenagers
Budding Mafiosos, from the look of ’em. Mo gets special mention as a Cuban narcotraficante lookalike. That ‘stache adds to the mystery, eh? Wonder how much money one of those narcotraficante guys make? Just kidding… drug money could not be worth it.*...
Dec 9, 2007 | Expat, Festivals & Holidays, Living-In, MORGAN, Teenagers
We have just had the loveliest day and I wanted to write about it before I fall into bed after being up all night. Mo had a birthday party/sleepover last night to celebrate his 16th birthday. There were seven teens here: Mo and Ryan, four girls and another boy. At...
Aug 14, 2007 | Caribbean, Culture Shock, Hope, Pueto Viejo, Teenagers, Travel Tips, Volunteering
"Works, Not Words." On the last jungle weekend of Camp Jungle2Jersey, the boys and I visited Barry and Nanci at The Bridge located a hair to the north of Puerto Viejo. I will try to write about The Bridge and our day there without using the words incredible,...