Three Dudes

Budding Mafiosos, from the look of ’em. Mo gets special mention as a Cuban narcotraficante lookalike. That ‘stache adds to the mystery, eh? Wonder how much money one of those narcotraficante guys make? Just kidding… drug money could not be worth it.*...

Boot Camping

Here are photos of the boys at boot camp. When Hal saw the campsite photos, he shook his head and said, "Yeah, that’s camping. Where all the food has sand in it and you can’t find anything." He’s happy to be home. It’s still very,...

Theirs vs. Mine

We are talking vacations here. And mine has been so much better. Here’s Hal’s email to me a week into the trip and two days into Camp Rifleman: "For the record, sleeping in a tent sucks. Camp food sucks. Restaurant food isn’t much better....