Oct 26, 2008 | Cost of Living, Medical Care, MORGAN
Google images may have saved Morgan’s life. He’s on his way home from the hospital now (it’s Sunday morning). WARNING: graphic photos below.Let’s just get me out of the way here: I am a basket case. Between Ryan’s mass and surgery,...
Aug 21, 2008 | MORGAN, Rancho Mastatal, RYAN, Summer Vacation, Teenagers
Ryan is a lovebug. Spontaneously affectionate, huggy, sweet. Morgan, although he adores me (of course, who wouldn’t?), is not spontaneously affectionate. When the boys are away, Ryan calls me to chat probably once a week, sometimes a few days in a row if there...
Jul 13, 2008 | MORGAN, RYAN, Summer Vacation, Teenagers
Budding Mafiosos, from the look of ’em. Mo gets special mention as a Cuban narcotraficante lookalike. That ‘stache adds to the mystery, eh? Wonder how much money one of those narcotraficante guys make? Just kidding… drug money could not be worth it.*...
Dec 11, 2007 | Adoption, Bureaucracy, Expat, Legal Arrangements, Living-In, MORGAN, Residency & Visas, Serendipity
In the adoption world, Gotcha Day is the day we gotcha, the day we brought our new baby home. I get all teary remembering our two Gotcha Days. Yesterday, December 10th was Mo’s 16th Gotcha Day. To celebrate, Jen made cookies and brought them over. Hey, Jen, we...
Dec 9, 2007 | Expat, Festivals & Holidays, Living-In, MORGAN, Teenagers
We have just had the loveliest day and I wanted to write about it before I fall into bed after being up all night. Mo had a birthday party/sleepover last night to celebrate his 16th birthday. There were seven teens here: Mo and Ryan, four girls and another boy. At...
Dec 5, 2007 | MORGAN, Samara, Nicoya Peninsula
The boys got home Sunday night – Mo’s 16th birthday. Sixteen. Wow. You don’t think about that when you are holding them in your arms as tiny babies… Now he’s flying auto-gyros. They had a good time, worth the trip: seven hours going (the...