Jan 6, 2010 | Badgetts, Cabecar, Domincal, Festivals & Holidays, Ginnee's Farm, Uvita
It has been a brilliant two weeks with the Badgetts; I can't think of a better way to have started 2010. When the Bs are here, we don't stop roaming. It is a beautiful reminder of just how wildly diverse is nuestro pais pequeño [new-ACE-troe pa-EES...
Dec 24, 2009 | Badgetts, Festivals & Holidays
We are celebrating Christmas in our new traditional fashion: by spending the holidays with the kosher Badgetts and not celebrating. It's now oh so de rigeur and oh so much more fun than the old way. The Bs have come every (#1) Christmas (#2) week (#3)...
Dec 11, 2009 | Festivals & Holidays
Nov 25, 2009 | Festivals & Holidays, Humor
I hope your day is as fun and exciting as this little guy’s is! (Thank you, George.) Pura vida! Love, Saratica
Sep 2, 2009 | Festivals & Holidays
Seen in Pricesmart… Since there are no major holidays (besides, hello, Costa Rica's Independence Day) between now and Christmas, LET'S GET STARTED!
May 8, 2009 | Festivals & Holidays
Every year, Her Majesty the Queen of England celebrates her birthday at Costa Rica's British Embassy right here in Escazú. Actually, She celebrates the big day everywhere in the world with a British Embassy. With 261 embassies, that's a lot of presents.And...
Jan 1, 2009 | Festivals & Holidays
Here we are at Lisa’s house, overlooking the central valley of San José province, Costa Rica. Lisa lives about 500′ directly above us, so this is from 4500′. It’s not often you get to look down on fireworks! The last time that happened (aside...
Dec 25, 2008 | Festivals & Holidays
Christmas is BIG in Costa Rica. The decorations and pre-game warm-up start right around my birthday at the end of September. They don't celebrate Halloween or Thanksgiving so nothing to stop them from going all out. Including fireworks. The fireworks' cannons...