Every year, Her Majesty the Queen of England celebrates her birthday at Costa Rica's British Embassy right here in Escazú. Actually, She celebrates the big day everywhere in the world with a British Embassy. With 261 embassies, that's a lot of presents.
And it's a bash with a carnival atmosphere: clowns, horse rides, fantastic bands (like Harmony Roads), face painting, tents, silent auction (the QBP is also a fundraiser for local schools), bangers and mash, imported English candy. The only thing missing was spotted dick. Didn't see him anywhere. (OMG, I'm so funny.)
While researching this, I counted 250 or so U.S. embassies in the world and not a single birthday celebration was had for George Bush. Hmmm. Nothing planned for Barack either. But the Queen, well, her day in Costa Rica was swell! WeLoveCostaRica.com has a whole page on the QBP, including a picture of me Harmony Roads. Too bad the Queen Mother missed it. I've heard she likes a good shindig.
Harunph-Harumph! Spotted Dick!?!?!?…
NOW who’s corny? (But, hey, it’s your blog, so you can ‘corny’ away, to your widdle heart’s content’!)
Hmmm…. Is this perhaps a residual from your recent directorial endeavors with OFOTCN?
Well, me hearty, it seems you’ve thrown the corny gauntlet. But I’m confident you’ll win hands down!
Great photo of you and the band…but you should have stood up for the photo.
As soon as I think of something mean to say, I’m posting it here. And for your information, smarty pants, some good-looking guy on Facebook who is “looking for women” sent me a note asking me “how r u doing?” Clearly a pick up line. I guess he saw Winston’s picture (which is my official photo) and thought I must be cute and young to have such a good-looking dog…
You’re right. That was really mean of me, especially on Mother’s Day. Randi has been berating me about the head and shoulders all day.
You can tell that guy on FB that I said you are cute and young. But don’t tell him how old I am.