Here we are at Lisa’s house, overlooking the central valley of San José province, Costa Rica. Lisa lives about 500′ directly above us, so this is from 4500′. It’s not often you get to look down on fireworks! The last time that happened (aside from 31 Dec 2007 on this same patio) was at my mother’s fourth and final marriage on the 101st floor of the WTC. It was coincidentally the same night as the QEII’s maiden voyage after her trip to battle in the Falklands. Big event, big fireworks from Battery Park below us. The top of those fireworks barely reached the picture windows in the ballroom. Pretty wild.
From our southern vantage point, the views start east and move across to the west. Because of cloud cover and my inadequate lens, you cannot see the mountains across the way. Nor can you see all of the fireworks we can see – for every one caught in a photo, there are 50 more happening all around us. And that’s just what we can see!
At midnight, it was insane (that’s when we got the best photos.) You can see at least 50 miles west to east and easily that many across the valley. It is a remarkable view, day or night.
The remarkable singer is Eva Cassidy. Learn more about her and buy her songs at We have them all…
Happy 2009, everyone! Peace.
P.S. You might be asking, “What’s a bucket list?” Hal and I just watched a movie while the boys and Badgetts went to see The Day the Earth Stood Still. Our movie was called, um, The Bucket List
starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. Really good, really sweet and a perfect movie for New Year’s Day. What’s on your bucket list?
Totally awesome view Sally!
Hola Saratica,
Happy New Year! Its been awhile since Ive checked your blog. Hope all is well. I enjoyed the view and the music. Thanks
PS I checked Tico Grande’s blogs also and no new posts for a while now…do you happen to have any news about him? or know anything?
Yeah, Teri, it would be hard to give up this view!!!
Miguel, I’m figuring TG is good because I haven’t heard otherwise. He moderates a couple of forums and works around ARCR. I’m assuming he’ll be back one day!
Great on-the-ground analysis of current market situation. We’re finding similar in our research across Central America. The real estate developments that have only done well in the past due to speculation rather than the quality of their product are suffering. Many will stall.
An over-abundance of speculators killed the Key West market. Any banker in town would have loaned us $1M to invest in one of the many Sure Things around town. We would never have qualified. EVER. But they would have loaned us based on an appraisal and good credit.
Don’t get me started.
The number of high-rise office buildings being built here is unbelievable. I could go out now and drive past 20 within 15 minutes. HSBC already closed one of their branches here.
OK. I got started. Shutting up now.