Aug 29, 2009 | Key West, Medical Care
22 dec 2006MARC stands for Monroe Association for Retarded Citizens. Key West loves its retarded citizens and takes very good care of them. The MARC family rents a large space and runs a garden center where everyone shops for plants and orchids. They live in a group...
May 29, 2009 | Medical Care, Political Blah-Blah
I left out a really important point: that the people to whom we are turning over our will and our lives also run the post office, the DMV, the building department, the IRS, the public school system, the prison system and immigration.As if that weren't disturbing...
May 28, 2009 | Medical Care, Political Blah-Blah
As a free-thinking mom, I’m disturbed by the Daniel Hauser saga. The MN state government ordered him to undergo chemo against his and his parents’ wishes. Mom and son ran away, then surrendered to authorities, stating they now believe chemo is the best...
Apr 5, 2009 | Health & Wellness, Living-In, Medical Care
These are my boobs. Nice, huh? This is also my favorite picture of my boobs. They look perky here, yes? Firm. Perhaps because they are smashed flat between ice cold steel and plexi-glass, molded into perfection.I mean, they ARE perky in real life, of course. Ask...
Jan 6, 2009 | Health & Wellness, Medical Care, Political Blah-Blah
I am in tears, really and truly. We live in Costa Rica to get away from this. Is there a country in the world where we can escape the U.S. "safety net"? Thank you to Inside Costa Rica for the news. Emphasis mine: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)...
Nov 5, 2008 | Health & Wellness, Medical Care
Yesterday, Mo developed red bumps all over his chest and face. By last night it had spread to his back, down his arms a little… It had started to look better yesterday afternoon, but as soon as doctor’s hours ended, the places on his face got bumpy. It...
Oct 26, 2008 | Cost of Living, Medical Care, MORGAN
Google images may have saved Morgan’s life. He’s on his way home from the hospital now (it’s Sunday morning). WARNING: graphic photos below.Let’s just get me out of the way here: I am a basket case. Between Ryan’s mass and surgery,...
Oct 20, 2008 | Hal, Medical Care, RYAN
The great news is that this morning I walked into Ryan’s room at around 5am because there was a funny noise. He was sleeping with his MOUTH SHUT and sorta snoring through his nose. The tamponas have a tube running down the middle of them to help breathe. THEY...