Aug 20, 2010 | Political Blah-Blah
The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Feb 7, 2010 | Elections, Political Blah-Blah
You would not believe the horn-blowing, flag-waving, chanting, excitement in Costa Rica! The air is thick with it. Today, Sunday, 7 Feb 2010, Costa Ricans are electing a new president, as well as a bunch of diputados (representatives) from all seven cantons. Costa...
Sep 23, 2009 | Philosophy, Political Blah-Blah, Real Estate, Religion, Spiritual Stuff
After Monday’s long post, which clearly took me hours to put together, my dear Key West friends Pat and Viktor wrote me saying I must have too much time on my hands. Whoa nelly, I wish. If I had plenty of time, I’d be blogging. But the truth is, I have too...
Jul 29, 2009 | Political Blah-Blah
Singer is Jordan Page, song is Pendulum. I bought the album for $6 on iTunes. Worth the effort to find it!
May 29, 2009 | Medical Care, Political Blah-Blah
I left out a really important point: that the people to whom we are turning over our will and our lives also run the post office, the DMV, the building department, the IRS, the public school system, the prison system and immigration.As if that weren't disturbing...
May 28, 2009 | Medical Care, Political Blah-Blah
As a free-thinking mom, I’m disturbed by the Daniel Hauser saga. The MN state government ordered him to undergo chemo against his and his parents’ wishes. Mom and son ran away, then surrendered to authorities, stating they now believe chemo is the best...
Apr 16, 2009 | Political Blah-Blah
You might have surmised by this time that I’m a tad obsessive compulsive about some things. What therapists like to call an Addictive Personality. Like ten blog posts in a day, then nada for ten more. I’ll have chocolate pie from Robin’s Kitchen...