The great news is that this morning I walked into Ryan’s room at around 5am because there was a funny noise. He was sleeping with his MOUTH SHUT and sorta snoring through his nose.
The tamponas have a tube running down the middle of them to help breathe. THEY WORK!!!!! It was so exciting to see this, I almost cried. Yahoo.
The interesting tidbit is that yesterday, some young tica pretty much proposed to Hal on the phone. Sight unseen. Yeah. If she saw him, she’d definitely want to marry him: he’s old, he’s pretty good looking for a geezer, he’s a gringo so rich (that is funny). The conversation went like this:
Hal answering the phone: "Hello?"
Tica: "Esto es la prensa que tiene una advertencia para empleados?" [Is this the business that has an ad for employees?]
Hal: "No, usted tiene el numero equivocado." [No, you have the wrong number.]
Tica: "No está una prensa?" [This is not a business?]
Hal: "No, esto es una casa. Lleno de gringos que hablan español no muy bien. Como Tarzán." [No, this is a house. Full of gringos who don’t speak very good Spanish. Like Tarzan.] [Obviously.]
Tica: "Está casado?" [Are you married?]
This is where Hal’s memory gets a little sketchy. He’s positive he answered – gleefully and without pause:
Hal: "Si y soy muy feliz." [Yes, and I’m very happy.]
I’m going with it. He is, after all, a very smart guy. Obviously.
Still getting him a hat.
I know, it’s amazing right?? lol. Something so simple as breathing through your nose. lol. My dh is a mouth breather… I’m wondering what his septum looks like. lol
problem with breathing through the mouth (from my experience) was a) lack of enough air b) in cold weather you can get sick easier, because the air doesnt go through ‘nose aka heat exchanger’ and it hits your lungs much colder
It’s also harder for a mouth breather to get a solid night’s sleep. My dh is always waking up b/c breathing through his mouth at night makes his mouth so dry he wakes up and has to get a drink.
I’m not sure if Kayleigh still breathes through her nose exclusively at night 18 months after her surgery… the mouth breathing was a habit, I’m afraid, for 19.5 years.
I’m hoping he falls into it. He is a teenager and very conscious of how he comes off around other, um, people. I’m hoping that will help speed up the change in habit!
Uh-huh. I’ve seen those women in Costa Rica, and let me tell you, in general they don’t make them ugly down there. While I’m sure of Hal’s allegiance to you, I’m also sure that he didn’t mind that little ego boost (he IS a man, after all).
Glad to hear your son is on the mend.