The Spanish word esposo [e-SPO-so] means husband. One meaning. The Spanish word esposa [e-SPO-sa] means wife. It also means handcuffs. You KNOW a guy thought of this.
OKAY OKAY: I stand corrected. Fortunately, I’m used to this living with teenagers. But shoot! It was funny to think esposa means handcuffs! I thought it did, but in rechecking my yahooligans, I see that the plural of a word can make ALL the difference:
Ticogrande says:
"Actually Spanish fans… it goes more like this:
Esposa is wife (but never handcuffs)
Esposo is husband
Esposas is Handcuffs and not wives
Embarazada is pregnant but does not mean embarrassed
Embarrass is verguenza "que verguenza" = how embarrassing."
It’s the same for ‘casado’. It’s a typical Tico meal AND it also means marriage. I think ‘casi’ means to be locked up in jail plus it means being married. At least they associate marriage with getting to eat good. Funny huh? One more – ‘Embarazada’ means pregnant but doesn’t it mean embarrassed?
Actually Spanish fans… it goes more like this:
Esposa is wife (but never handcuffs)
Esposo is husband
Esposas is Handcuffs and not wives
Embarazada is pregnant but does not mean embarrassed
Embarrass is verguenza “que verguenza” = how embarrassing.
And casado still means married (if you are a male person… casada if female).
In food, it is a “marriage” of two items… often arroz (rice) and whatever meat dish, though it can mean two (or more) other items! Sort of the blue plate special… CR style.
Me again
Thank you for the clarifications, particularly on “esposa”! I went back and checked my favorite source, yahooligans ( it does say that esposa plural is handcuffs – I did not get the distinction. I am much relieved.