Mar 27, 2007 | Food, Health & Wellness, XAVIER
PRE-PROLOGUE: During our 24 hours of hell, the only thing we discovered is that Xavier’s blood pressure is in the high range of normal. Not high blood pressure, as he is quick-like-lightening to point out, just in the tippy-top limit of normal. "Which is...
Feb 14, 2007 | Criticia Voluptua Right-Right, Movies, XAVIER
Yesterday was Xavier’s 57th birthday so we celebrated the night away. It was a pretty wild night, dinner and a movie, we were out till almost, I don’t know, 8:30? It’s going to be a pretty quiet Valentine’s Day around here while we...
Feb 13, 2007 | Living-In, XAVIER
Thank you for all your emails and sending the white light. It worked: Xavier seems fully recovered. He must have strained something working out. There is simply no other explanation. It’s completely gone now. Still mystifying… I owned an aerobics and strength...
Jun 15, 2006 | Medical Care, XAVIER
That about sums up the description of Hal’s gastointestinal tract, all of it. Frankly, it looks just like his colon. No, we didn’t try this at home! They don’t sell those fiber optic cameras to just anyone, you know. Besides, I just like to watch....
May 8, 2006 | Hal, Humor, Marriage, XAVIER
At least we won’t be dressed in matching outfits. I’d like to be, but Hal won’t go for it. And I’ll bet I don’t get to drive then either.