Aug 29, 2009 | Culture Shock, Expat, God, what a world!, Key West, Recovering REALTORĀ®
3 Oct 2006For my birthday, my friend Mary sent me this book. I love it, very sweet, simple. The funny thing is: I read the title and thought to myself "I have a charmed life." I've never had that thought before. The funnier thing is, I had to get broke...
Aug 31, 2008 | China, God, what a world!, Political Blah-Blah, Spiritual Stuff
China is having its way with Costa Rica. A few months ago, at China’s insistence, Costa Rica dumped Taiwan in order to form a new relationship with The Big Guy. Taiwan had been good to Costa Rica, built them a Friendship Bridge, never did anything harmful or...
Aug 29, 2008 | God, what a world!, Political Blah-Blah
Here’s a taste from an interesting and informative article by James Bovard from my favorite morning reading at Attitude Policy TSA agents can slap fines on Americans based on "attitude," which TSA classifies as one of the...
Jun 8, 2008 | God, what a world!
I remember the worst moment of my life, the moment the world turned from friendly and full of hidden promise to dangerous and full of unspeakable peril. The moment the words, "Be careful!" became my mantra. The moment I realized all the chillingly simple and...
Oct 14, 2007 | Criticia Voluptua Right-Right, God, what a world!, Political Blah-Blah
Call me a Paranoid Libertarian Extremist – I’ve been called worse – but I’m afraid if the guy gets any more popular, he will be killed. Not like shot… like poisoned. Heart-attacked. (Yeah, more paranoid than you thought, right?) But,...
Oct 4, 2007 | God, what a world!
U.S. Campaign for Burma Free Burma Wiki Page Amnesty International Burma Flickr Page
Sep 28, 2007 | Culture Shock, God, what a world!
Jen at Living Dominica has this priceless tidbit on her blog today: "In one of history’s more absurd acts of totalitarianism, China has banned Buddhist monks in Tibet from reincarnating without government permission." Read the entire absurdity...
Mar 28, 2007 | Crime, God, what a world!, Living-In
This is not a funny post, not in the least. This is the story of a crime that happened a week ago, outside of Jaco, down on the coast. I don’t know Henry, but I have exchanged emails with him and he is a regular contributor on the Costa Rica Living Group board....