I always thought my husband knew everything. "Ask your father," is my standard response to all questions, like, "Mom, how far away is the sun?" "How deep is the ocean?" "What are bullets made of?" "Where does money come...

World-Class Fitness in 100 Words:

From CrossFit.com: Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat. Practice and train major lifts: deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly,...

This Ain’t No Workout-Time!

And this man tried to kill me. Oh, don’t let that pretty face fool ya. HA! The man is darkness personified. At least no one over at Workout-Time tried to hurt little ole La Jefa! But I guess here in Escazú, Land of Gringos, things are done a little differently....

“Casi como Arnold!”

This is our new friend, Batista, from Power Time. (Um, Batista is on the left.) He is the strongman there, lifting huge weights, wearing all the gear and eager to discuss how strong he is. "Casi como Arnold!" he proclaims, flexing his biceps. "Almost...

Workout Time

I’ll be 51 in two weeks. How did this happen? It seems like only yesterday I was young and cute and skinny. Yesterday, 1986. The fact that I may not live forever is painfully clear. If I don’t get into better shape, I could drop dead any minute. As part of...