Schooling in Costa Rica

Finding good schooling for our two teenagers has been a trip. We’ve only lived in Costa Rica for 6 months so are not experts on this topic by any means. But we get asked a lot about schooling so here’s our experience for what it’s worth. First,...

Surf’s UP, Dude!

Nosara, like most of the coastline in Costa Rica, is a surfer’s paradise. We didn’t come here to surf, but we may be back to do just that. Surfing or not, the ocean is a marvelous toy, providing hours and hours of entertainment for kids big and small. Like...

Hope Springs Eternal

Today, Morgan asked the ‘rents (that would be Hal and me) to buy deoderant for him to take to school for use after soccer. I couldn’t get to the HiperMas* fast enough.  If you’ve ever been a parent of a teenager, you know what a happy day this...