Mar 14, 2010 | Film, Movies, Peace, War
Spoiler Alert: If you haven't seen Avatar, see it before you read this. Expect to hate it so you can see it with low expectations. I did. Thank goodness. We watched Avatar last night, at home on our 36" TV, sans 3D, HD or the IMAX® experience. I expected to...
Feb 2, 2007 | Bush, Death & Taxes, Political Blah-Blah, War
This article was written by the daughter of a local family we’ve met here in Costa Rica. Ayn is 14 and is unschooled. I must admit to harboring suspicions of unschooling’s effectiveness in somehow producing schooled children. Those are smashed.
Jan 11, 2007 | Bush, Culture Shock, God, what a world!, Political Blah-Blah, Teenagers, War
Last March I wrote a post about Nazanin, an Iranian teenager who had been sentenced to death for killing a man who was trying to rape her and her niece. Yeah. When I first read something like this, I fervently hope it is just a really tasteless joke. Tragically, this...
Sep 28, 2006 | AIDS, Bush, Political Blah-Blah, September 11, 2001, War
I turned 51 today. Emily never will. She was killed in Iraq on my cousin Celia’s 51st birthday two weeks ago, September 12. Like reading the names on the Key West AIDS memorial, like reading about those killed 9/11, painful as it may be, we must read about Emily...
Mar 30, 2006 | Bush, Culture Shock, God, what a world!, Political Blah-Blah, Teenagers, War
This from Dave Kopel at The Volokh Conspiracy that I stumbled across roaming the blogosphere:Iranian teenager to be executed for self-defense against a rapist. Amnesty International reports this case from Iran: On 3 January [2006], 18-year-old Nazanin was...