Aug 29, 2009 | Living-In, Pets
2 sept 2007To call my mother a "pet lover" would be putting it SOOOO mildly. If she could, she'd bring home every stray. Every hungry perro: old, young, one-legged, smart, dumb, hairy, not. Every single one. She'd knock me right out of the way to get...
Oct 30, 2007 | CR: Wildlife, Health & Wellness, Living-In, Pests, Pets
Nothing makes me sick. Nothing grosses me out. I’m a mother. Not only that, I’m a doctor-wannabe. I watch surgery shows. Watching liposuction gets me a little jumpy, but otherwise I’m immune to gross stuff. Or so I thought. Don’t worry: no...
Jan 28, 2007 | Pets, WINSTON
Boo and Winston are inseparable, stuck to each other like white on rice. In the mornings, I open one crate door and that dog rushes to the other’s crate door. They race around all day, taking the occasional nap. Winston naps on a pad next to my chair. Not only...
Jan 28, 2007 | Mail and Shipping, Pets, Travel Tips
Since I posted my nightmare experience at customs, several people have let me know about their experiences. Continental Airlines wins hands down over all other airlines for ease of picking up your pet. One woman wrote to me that Continental just handed over the pet to...
Jan 25, 2007 | Bureaucracy, Mail and Shipping, Pets
This post is so long and tedious you will want to choke someone by the end of it. Which is exactly how I felt after experiencing it. I did not choke anyone. I ate two bowls of chocolate ice cream instead. I’ll have another after I write this. Onward. UPDATE:...
Jan 21, 2007 | Living-In, MORGAN, Pets, Teenagers, WINSTON
"The friend that never fails." That’s a good dog for you. Winston’s new favorite toy is a tennis ball he found. It’s an excellent toy on one hand because he can "throw" it himself and it fits nicely in his mouth. On the other...