Boo and Winston are inseparable, stuck to each other like white on rice. In the mornings, I open one crate door and that dog rushes to the other’s crate door. They race around all day, taking the occasional nap.
Winston naps on a pad next to my
chair. Not only is he a farting, belching, slobbering male, he snores.
The complete package. Boo naps (quietly) under my desk on a rug.
Boo is six months younger than Winston and wears him plumb
out. By the end of the first night Boo was here,
Winston was snoring by 9pm. I had to wake him up to put him in the
crate! Very sweet, these two.
And both also stuck to me like white on rice… wherever I go, they go. When I visit el baño (I know, TMI), they both stand at the doorway, wagging their tails. When I eat, one is on either side, jowls on my lap. When I walk up the stairs, I have two cold noses on the back of my thighs. Very funny and very sweet. If you want to know unconditional love, don’t get a teen or a husband. Get a dog.
There’s nothing like the love of a dog!
So true! How can you not love something that wags its tail every time it sees you, even if it has only been 5 minutes.
I’m sure you can understand now why I have FOUR dogs (no kids, no husband) and call them my shadows, lovingly. There is nothing like unconditional love.
So sorry to hear of Megan’s passing.
Much regards to the family.