Since I posted my nightmare experience at customs, several people have let me know about their experiences. Continental Airlines wins hands down over all other airlines for ease of picking up your pet. One woman wrote to me that Continental just handed over the pet to her! So just because it happened like this for me does not mean it will happen like this for you. But you just don’t know… I would definitely use Continental, if possible. If someone in customs says they have an agente aduana for you to use, say thank you and hand over your $70. If you can have someone else bring the pet, I believe that is a much simpler process than shipping the pet. And probably no more expensive!
Slightly off-topic, but I brought my kitty here with me, on the plane. I flew US Air and even though they have a 10-pound weight limit, my 13-pound baby was allowed on-board, no questions asked. It was a painless, easy experience. 🙂