Many Me’s

Yesterday, as I was writing this post in my head, I was thinking there were only two me’s. The cute, off-beat, wacky, funny, cheerful me that you all see. And the fly-off-the-handle screaming lunatic mommy me I share only with my dear family. My friend Quint...

Smellin’ My Baby’s Head

If you love a body, you know what I’m talking about. Today is Ryan’s 14th birthday. I was just sitting on the arm of the chair where he’s sitting with my nose in his head. It smells so Ryan-like. I love that smell. Ryan is my baby. So sweet, so...

Costa Rica’s ER

The quality and cost of medical care here is staggering. The first because it is so professional, thorough and complete. The second because it is so reasonable, bordering on cheap. No, not bordering on. It IS cheap. By any standard. Tuesday morning, I spent in the...

I Can Hear You Breathe.

When I can’t, it wrecks my whole night. And his. Like last night. Ryan has asthma. His wheeze or dry cough or panting wakes me. My eyes pop open… I listen. At first I’m not sure what I’m listening for, what woke me up. But after 13 years, Ryan...