Sep 26, 2006 | Amistad Institute, Communications, Culture Shock, Expat, Spanish
In the great landscape of Things To Know When Moving to Costa Rica, you start with Thing 1 and Thing 2. I have heard people say you do not need to learn Spanish to live in Costa Rica. They must be selling real estate. You absolutely DO if you are going to thrive here....
Jun 9, 2006 | Amistad Institute, Cultural Events, Festivals & Holidays, Spanish
Since the day we arrived, we’ve heard about the Copa Mundial (imagine the red-headed announcer from Dave Letterman saying in his booming-est voice "The KO! PA! Muuuuuuuun-Deee-ALLLLLLL! That’s how it sounds on the radio.)The Copa Mundial is the World...
May 20, 2006 | Amistad Institute, Attractions, Culture Shock, Driving, Travel Tips
On a clear day, you can see Volcán Barva from our back door, off in the distance. See? Right there in the middle of this photo is the tip of the volcano. Our landlord, Roz, and everyone at Amistad Institute where we take Spanish language lessons say it is...
May 4, 2006 | Amistad Institute, Culture Shock, Spanish
We are losing Esther. Life happened – all good life, just unexpected. Crazy. La vida loca. We have that in common, Esther and I. Yesterday, I was reading a passage from The Web That Has No Weaver by Ted Kaptchuk: "In Chinese thought, events and phenomena...
Mar 10, 2006 | Amistad Institute, Culture Shock, Spanish
We had high hopes. High in the sky apple pie hopes. Just before leaving Key West, we’d searched the net and found a Spanish language school, Amistad Instutitue, that uses the immersion technique to teach Spanish, along with a thousand other techniques. There are...