Budding Pyromaniacs

By now, middle of March, it hasn’t rained in about 4 months here in the central valley. While the coast gets more rain, it’s dry as a bone there, too, by all accounts. Costa Rica has two seasons: wet and dry. Starting in May, it rains off and on for a...

Musicos Best Albaniles

The Fighting Musicos [MOO-z-cos, musicians] slid past the Terrifying Albaniles [all-bu-KNEE-lace, bricklayers] for a narrow victory at the ballgame this morning: 8 to 6 in almost 6 innings. Both boys scored two runs each. Ryan was walked twice to first, then stole his...

The Fighting Musicos

The boys signed up for baseball last Saturday, just in time for the season start. Which, like everywhere in the world, begins with a parade, complete with a band and a siren. [Hint: pump down the volume.] But, heck, it ain’t a parade without a siren!!! The team...

El Amigo Que Nunca Falla

"The friend that never fails." That’s a good dog for you. Winston’s new favorite toy is a tennis ball he found. It’s an excellent toy on one hand because he can "throw" it himself and it fits nicely in his mouth. On the other...

Smellin’ My Baby’s Head

If you love a body, you know what I’m talking about. Today is Ryan’s 14th birthday. I was just sitting on the arm of the chair where he’s sitting with my nose in his head. It smells so Ryan-like. I love that smell. Ryan is my baby. So sweet, so...

Reader Question RE: Schools

THE QUESTION:From: "G" (That’s all I know…) Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 10:03 PMSubject: High school Any Information regarding Lincoln Private school or other school for 14 yr old american for 9th grade? ================ MY ANSWER:Hola G,...

18 Wheels For Beginners

There was a little news item in La Nacion this morning that caught our eyes. When I discovered the driving age here is 18, I was so relieved. Whew! But it turns out, once you are 18, you can get behind the wheel of almost anything, including a big rig. One of the...