Surviving A Hormone Bath

We have just had the loveliest day and I wanted to write about it before I fall into bed after being up all night. Mo had a birthday party/sleepover last night to celebrate his 16th birthday. There were seven teens here: Mo and Ryan, four girls and another boy. At...

“Are You For Real?”

My presentation went very well at the International Living Conference in Jacó, er Herradura. Los Suenos lives up to its name… oh my, it is severely swanky! Except the coffee served in the conference was pathetic, which is a disgrace in Costa Rica. The...

Or Maybe…

I just need more to do, idle hands and all that. Maybe if I were busier, I wouldn’t have time to sit around examining my navel. I wouldn’t hear the what because maybe there is no what. Maybe I’m just making it all up for Something Important to do....