May 21, 2006 | Attractions, Cultural Events, Culture Shock, God, what a world!
This is a photo of the INS building (the "private" insurance company) in downtown San Jose. See the bright white disc in the upper right of this photo? In that cloud? Guess what that is? Er, who? Visitors, of course!!! UFOs. And everybody sees them!!! You...
Apr 20, 2006 | God, what a world!, Political Blah-Blah
If you travel the blog, you’ll see Hao Wu’s image everywhere. Rebecca MacKinnon’s oped in today’s Washington Post tells the story:"Another victim of Chinese state kidnapping — with whom I am personally connected — is Wu Hao, an...
Apr 20, 2006 | God, what a world!, Gold
5/2/06 UPDATE: This post was first published on 4/20/06 with a follow-up story yesterday called Free Piano. Today we took our offender’s real name off the blogs. We have the last of the money… almost. But here’s the thing: If you are thinking of...
Mar 30, 2006 | Bush, Culture Shock, God, what a world!, Political Blah-Blah, Teenagers, War
This from Dave Kopel at The Volokh Conspiracy that I stumbled across roaming the blogosphere:Iranian teenager to be executed for self-defense against a rapist. Amnesty International reports this case from Iran: On 3 January [2006], 18-year-old Nazanin was...