Christmas in Costa Rica

Like small Catholic developing nations everywhere, Jesus is big in Costa Rica. So his birthday next week is cause for celebration and pageantry. Huge is too small a word. In fact, there are fireworks going off down in the valley as I write this. (Fireworks are legal...

Back To Our Future

We are finally home in our empty glass house high above the hills of Escazu, Costa Rica, and it is heavenly. I ran thru a million names for this post. Like "Re-Arrival" because, like our first arrival, stepping off the plane at the San Jose airport was heavy...

Across The Shifting Sands

My new friend, Paul, who has been visiting Costa Rica since the 70’s and still plans to move there after retiring, ETA spring ’07, suggests that "with your little red dot located there so far from center in ‘Libertarianland’ you would...

Mindless Fun

Here’s my score: What’s yours? By the way, I’m ready to go HOME!!! SO ready. I’m loving seeing my friends, being back in the community way. But. "There’s no place like home." Click click. "There’s no place like...

Who Is This Guy?

Saturday was Mo’s birthday: his 15th. How did THAT happen? They are having a pool party today, celebrating both birthdays (Ryan will be 14 in January). The real question is, how did this happen: In Naples, we found a Ross which is like a TJ Maxx or Steinmart...