Jul 13, 2009 | Chelation & Heavy Metals, Cost of Living, CR: Working, Culture Shock, Current Affairs, Honduras, Living-In
Over on Costa Rica Living, we've been havin' ourselves a good ole time ranting and raving about Honduras and is it a coup or not. (It's not.) You can read the posts here (this is a 44 page pdf document… you have to be really interested!) The CRL camp...
May 19, 2009 | Health & Wellness, Living-In
I saw two other doctors last week and the prognosis is excellent. I am always floored by the top-notch service, the professional manner, the time spent with me and the small money. Even though prices have gone up, it’s still so small… the healthcare alone...
Apr 5, 2009 | Health & Wellness, Living-In, Medical Care
These are my boobs. Nice, huh? This is also my favorite picture of my boobs. They look perky here, yes? Firm. Perhaps because they are smashed flat between ice cold steel and plexi-glass, molded into perfection.I mean, they ARE perky in real life, of course. Ask...
Dec 14, 2008 | Living-In, Political Blah-Blah
We have allowed the Federal Reserve to bankrupt us. Mostly because no one really knows who they are… The Military Commissions Act. FISA. 20,000 troops deployed on U.S. soil despite the Posse Comitatus Act. The government's chutzpah. And flat-out stupidity....