Jan 7, 2007 | Disclaimer, Expat, WINSTON
"…that which we call a roseBy any other name would smell as sweet;So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d,Retain that dear perfection which he owesWithout that title. Romeo, doff thy name,And for that name which is no part of theeTake all...
Nov 5, 2006 | Disclaimer, Faith, Serendipity, Spiritual Stuff
Costa Rica lives and breathes la fe [pronounced "fey" and meaning faith]. This is an extremely religious country. There are lifesize statutes of Jesus and the Virgin Mary everywhere, many grottos, plenty of nuns and an abundance of churches. Yesterday, my...
Oct 18, 2006 | Disclaimer, Medical Care
Tomorrow I’m getting the mug…
Sep 3, 2006 | Beauty Parlor, Criticia Voluptua Right-Right, Culture Shock, Disclaimer, Political Blah-Blah
I realize my fanaticism on a few topics, like sanitation, for example, is MY problem. I’m telling on me as much as on the shop. Things are different here and I’m a snob. In the states, it would be fine for me to be prissy and demand things be done...
Apr 11, 2006 | Disclaimer
Erma Bombeckis one of my heroes. Along with Carol Burnett, Shirley MacLaineand my mom. (Yes, I am the GOOD daughter.) The O’Boyles are definitely eating less cottage cheese (Costa Rica does not have a clue when it comes to cheese) and would eat more ice cream if...