Nov 18, 2006 | Beauty Parlor, Cost of Living, Health & Wellness, Living-In, Medical Care, Plastic Surgery
The eyes and face are looking much more normal. I don’t look 29 or even 39, but, despite all my whining, looking younger wasn’t really the goal. Being 51 is just fine with me. There are freedoms with age that you will never know till you get here....
Sep 3, 2006 | Beauty Parlor, Criticia Voluptua Right-Right, Culture Shock, Disclaimer, Political Blah-Blah
I realize my fanaticism on a few topics, like sanitation, for example, is MY problem. I’m telling on me as much as on the shop. Things are different here and I’m a snob. In the states, it would be fine for me to be prissy and demand things be done...
Sep 2, 2006 | Beauty Parlor, Cost of Living, Criticia Voluptua Right-Right
In seven months, we’ve all had a little beautifying here… except Jal. With a good quality clipper and a #1, he’s his own barber. I get to clean up the back. Did you know that, when you get old, stray hair grows out of everywhere? But let’s not...
Aug 23, 2006 | Arts, Beauty Parlor, Cultural Events, Theatre
Rehearsals are in full swing for Come Back to the Five & Dime Jimmy Dean Jimmy Dean. I play Sissy, a brash buxom bleached blonde, the part Cher played in the movie. The plan was for me to wear a wig for this part, a hideous idea: hot, itchy and I’d have hat...
Jul 13, 2006 | Beauty Parlor, Culture Shock
I had the L’Oreal in my hand. Poised for the quick toss into the basket, wondering if we needed more toothpaste, when the sweet young clerk approached me waving an unfamiliar box. Unfortunately, she sported long shiny hair the color I wanted. Beware! When you go...