Nov 7, 2009 | Chickens, Gardening
Last night, as I was putting the chickens to bed, I finally had to admit that, either chickens as a species are seriously lacking in the brains department, or I just lucked out and got three really dumb birds. I don't mean to be insulting to my girls, but it's...
Oct 18, 2009 | Chickens, CR: Wildlife
I got it bad. I'd rather hang out with my chickens than almost anything. They are so cute, they don't ask for much other than food and water. I'm pretty sure they like it when I'm there. They don't run away (too much) when I put my hand out to put...
Oct 5, 2009 | Chickens, Gardening
Mood Music: Perhaps we're taking this gardening thing too far, but – drum roll, please – we're gettin' chickens this week!!! For eggs, not dinner. I'm not up to wringing and waxing… yet. But, baby-o-baby, I am all excited by the...