Troubled Bridges

The first time Jal and I came to Costa Rica, the December ’05 exploratory trip (all of five days) to determine if Costa Rica was The Exotic Place To Spend A Year, we did a 24-hour speed tour of Manuel Antonio. I had heard there were monkeys here and I was going...

Dining with the Bloggers

Last night we had our first get-together at the casita here on the finca. Tiny house, big fun! In Key West, we loved having friends to dinner. Just didn’t do it often enough. For the Costa Rica Inaugural Fiesta, we had two families: the Bortmans and the...

Pink October

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Pink is the order of the day. My Aunt Susie, my mom’s baby sister, died of breast cancer at the age of 49. My sister in law, Megan, 40, has been fighting the beast for 8 years now. She is losing the battle, but God what...