Moving Day

Saturday we moved into our new house. It was a pretty simple affair, really, because our previous landlord bought most of the furniture and appliances we’d bought for that house. (You know, the house we rented "furnished"… don’t get me...

U.S. Real Estate in a Nutshell

Chris is moving to Costa Rica as soon as her house sells. Her writings on the trials and tribulations of selling a house are HYSTERICAL. Like today. And the posting before that. The Thoreau quote is so right on! She is funny in the face of a daunting task and makes me...

Costa Rica Real Estate

This is a picture of the Arenal Volcano which we took in February. Totally awesome. And not for sale. I think it's the only real estate in Costa Rica that isn't for sale. Shades of Key West. The real estate scene here is fascinating. If you've been...

It Ain’t Brain Surgery

Becoming a real estate salesperson is NOT like becoming a brain surgeon. Being a brain surgeon requires skill and knowledge. Several years of schooling and experience. Money and/or the credit worthiness to go deeply into debt. I'm thinking it must require an...

Leavin’ On A Jet Plane

Peter Paul and Mary didn’t have to get up at 4:30am to catch a 7am plane. At least not pre-911. I’m flying back to Key West for 10 days to work with Sam and Janet, customers from last summer. They live in New Jersy and are shopping for a property. We work...