Sep 1, 2009 | China, Foreclosure, Hope, Life, Unintended Consequences
First, a little background music to set the tone: right click here and click on open in a new tab or window. The song should start playing automatically. Perfect song: Vive Ya [So Live, Already!] "Don't minimize the importance of luck in determining...
Dec 18, 2008 | Unintended Consequences
This is my new photo. My husband took it and loves the dark lighting which explains his self-portrait. Anyway, in this light, you can’t see all the gray hair. And, baby, it is ALL gray. (That’s not the bad news.) Actually, I love the gray hair. Perhaps...
Jul 4, 2008 | Unintended Consequences
This is one of the best blog posts I’ve read in a long time. It really spoke to me and the blogging/reading atmosphere around this place of late. I’ve hoisted meself on me own petard, as it were. So, a sea change, my dears, a sea change. Back to...