This is my new photo. My husband took it and loves the dark lighting which explains his self-portrait. Anyway, in this light, you can’t see all the gray hair. And, baby, it is ALL gray. (That’s not the bad news.) Actually, I love the gray hair.
Perhaps there is a period in a woman’s life where she doesn’t mind her age, doesn’t mind the gray hair. Perhaps. I’m going through that: I love being 53 and the unadorned, natural look. I can see how, when the next phase begins, when the sag overtakes the smile, maybe I’ll start dying the hair again and whining for a lower lift… but for now, it’s way cool.
I look kinda thin in this photo, which I also love. Haven’t lost the 25 pounds I aimed to (still not the bad news) but on the road. Like 5 pounds down the road, but still.
What you don’t know is that I’m sporting one of my world-class cold sores. You know, the ones that are so big, Hal names them, then asks if me ‘n Lester are going somewhere. God, he’s funny. Anyway, I Painted it out. Sadly, I can’t Paint it out in real life.
Um, that’s still not the bad news.
No. The bad news is that I also had to Paint out a whisker. Yeah. Seeing it was a shocker. The lighting managed to somehow pick up the whisker. Great. Whiskers on a woman defines the dark side of aging. No amount of vitamins or exercise will fix that. Only tweezers. It’s the ugly truth, but there it is. So, do me a favor. Whenever we meet, don’t get too close. And for God’s sake don’t mention this post.
The good news is that I’m married to a really smart guy. I know you are sick of hearing that, but yesterday he wrote an excellent article about the Fed and exactly why It – and the politicians who support It (basically all of them except Ron Paul) – are criminals. Good read.
And, if he sees a whisker, he has never said so. He knows, under no circumstance, would that ever be funny. Smart guy.
P.P.P.P.S. Nice picture, by the way!
Don’t ever forget the ultimate solution to these sorts of problems: the brown paper sack.
Of course you’ve a looong ways to go before you’ll need one.
I’ve been stockpiling them myself for years, as I fear I may eventually need to use more than one at a time!!
¡Pura Bolsa!
Paul M.
You have got to take this act on the road, forget the music-stand-up is your ticket. I read this stuff and sit here laughing at my computer…you are too funny. Hal is smart I enjoy his blogs and we have exchanged a few emails about gold and such. I’m Lotus on wlcr and I think Hal gets my emails about NYC real estate..anyine who emails me gets on the list easy to un-subscribe though. We we just returned from about 3.5 weeks there, got married in esterillos este, wanted to stop by and say hello just didn’t have time. Anyway stand-up is your ticket.
Thanks, Keith. I was actually thinking of doing stand-up. I never wanted to before but then the other day BOOM the thought hit me. We’ll see. congratulations on getting married. Pura vida, baby!
What is “lotus on wlcr”?
The “handle” I go by…