This is one of the best blog posts I’ve read in a long time. It really spoke to me and the blogging/reading atmosphere around this place of late. I’ve hoisted meself on me own petard, as it were. So, a sea change, my dears, a sea change. Back to uncontrolled reading.
And, though this be madness, I am giving a go at not commenting on your comments… Your comments are grand and I read every word. But I had my say, please have yours. Too often, the time and energy I spend commenting on comments could be put to better use reading. Or – dare I suggest such a thing – blogging.
‘pitard’ – a typo?
I can’t bring myself to blog in a just-the-facts manner. I’m sure I do sometimes, but I can’t blog just for the sake of blogging. Like when we were in CR last year – that was ripe fodder for a chronicle of our adventures, but it didn’t quite happen. It actually couldn’t – I didn’t take enough pictures of the places we actually stayed in to meet that purpose 😛 Of course, this ain’t a regret since I’m away from the computer, I’m probably engaged by something.
Sorry, Aunt Bebe… now I’ve gone and humiliated the family!!! It’s fixed. And I love spelling. Guess I was so thrilled to find that whole page of Shakespeare quotes, I didn’t pay attention to the little things… Gracias!
Aw shucks… thanks!