Aug 26, 2007 | Mexico, MOM
Compared to the hundreds of people who lost their homes and histories to the recent floods in the U.S. and to Dean in the Caribbean, Mom’s adventure in Mexico was a snap. Not that the overpriced hellhole run by moronic cretins is off the hook. But some of the...
Aug 24, 2007 | Mexico, MOM
Mexico, that is. Mayan Palace is no Ugly Duckling. Darn it.
Aug 22, 2007 | Accommodations, Mexico, MOM
Big time. And the cretins who run the place are immune to Whoop Ass. So far, I am left with name-calling. But I’m not done scheming for a bit of tasy revenge. I don’t need much. Just $520 worth. Not even including the $50 for the bus ticket they told her...
Aug 21, 2007 | Mexico, MOM
Ok, not really. I am flying to Mexico to rescue mom. Or at least have some fun with her for a couple of days. Her last few days have been so unbelievably stressful, I can’t stand it if one more thing goes wrong and she’s alone lugging that suitcase around....