From A.M. Costa Rica last Tuesday:
By the A.M. Costa Rica staff
President Óscar Arias Sánchez has the swine flu and will be at home in Rohrmoser at least until Monday, health officials and Casa Presidential said Tuesday.
Arias, 67, is considered in a higher risk group because he has asthma. Weighing against that is that he is in an age group that probably has been exposed to a relative of the current swine flu virus sometime earlier in life. Health officials describe his illness as mild.”
It is a week later and he is doing fine. I guess. Unbelievably, his illness has not made the papers since last Wednesday. I mean, WE ARE IN A PANDEMIC, PEOPLE, and a HEAD OF STATE has the “deadly” swine flu. HELLO!!!
Ok, I’m being sarcastic. Can you tell? And have you noticed how you can’t read about swine flu without the adjective “deadly”? Relatively speaking, hardly anyone has it and only a tiny fraction of those people who got it have died and everyone who has died – God rest their souls – has had an underlying medical complication. To say they “died of swine flu” is pushing the envelope. Maybe swine flu pushed them over the edge, but it is hardly “deadly” in and of itself.
And of course The Numbers of The Infected are growing: nobody’s doing lab tests anymore to confirm it! You call in, you get diagnosed over the phone and whatever it is you have is chalked up to swine flu. Sadly, I’ve read of three deaths due to misdiagnoses over the phone: a young mother and a two year old of meningitis and a teenage girl of tonsilitis, as well as a host of prolonged suffering due to misdiagnoses.
SIDE NOTE: In the public health system in the U.K., doctors get a bonus for discovering cases of swine flu. Apparently they are backdating their records now… no one gets regular flu anymore. It’s all swine flu. Pretty funny, huh?
I am truly sorry Arias has swine flu. Flu is miserable. But he is 67 years old, has asthma. He’s not in hospital. He’s fine, it’s a mild flu. There is no panic. Could the rest of the world get a grip?
If he was in the good ol’ USA under (N)obama’s health plan, he’d be meeting with the “death panel” and we’d be handing out shovels to the grave diggers. He’s lucky he’s not here.
Leave it to Howard to take the low road. Pure hogwash.
Oh, Quantum, I’m with Howard here on the low road. Don’t worry, you’ll be getting your “free” health care and then we’ll see who needs a shovel.
I am with Howard and Saratica. The Mechanic can have my free health care.
Thanks again Sally for reminding us about how the real world works… More government hysteria
Supposedly less than 500 people have died of swine flu so far in the entire USA yet “The U.S. military wants to establish regional teams of military personnel to assist civilian authorities in the event of a significant outbreak” [ ]
Swine flu is yet another manufactured excuse to exercise more power and control over the people.
“If he was in the good ol’ USA under (N)obama’s health plan, he’d be meeting with the “death panel” and we’d be handing out shovels to the grave diggers.” I really see nothing about “free” mentioned here and the death panels are pure hogwash. As far as free goes I qualify for the VA health care which is the absolute best health care in the entire world. Better than the Mayo or anywhere and it is run by the government. I did pay a price for it though. It would seem to me that someone living in CR which has pretty much socialized medicine would appreciate that. “hysteria,” is the operative word here. I would suggest to anyone that actually believes this hogwash to go into the shovel selling business. Probably would make a killing “pun intended” selling to like minded individuals. Hahahaha. This is fun. It also seems that there are people up here that are afraid of their own shadows. How did discussions about end of life decisions with a Dr. become death panels? Any one that doesn’t have or doesn’t know about Living wills really need to find out about them. A very smart thing to have.
I will not get into a health care debate here… been there, done that. I am thrilled you have excellent VA care – we should be paying for that and it should be excellent.
Living in CR with socialized medicine I see first hand how it works. Care is rationed as it must be.
Re the death panels: I know they aren’t going to go around shooting old sick people. But old sick people will be last in line for any procedure. Research how it is in other socialized countries. There is a five year waiting list here for cancer treatment in the socialized system. No one’s fault, they are NOT setting out to kill people. But people die on waiting lists. There isn’t enough money and there aren’t enough doctors to prevent it.
We have lawyers for living wills. We don’t need Uncle Sam helping us fill out the paperwork. An ad campaign would be more effective and way less costly.
You’ve had your say on this, Quantum. You are done on this topic.
I want to thank you for your reply and the way you run your blog. I do apologize for upsetting you and will not do it again. The misinformation about this topic is astounding but never the less I will not be commenting about any topic in the future and will still enjoy reading your opinions. I of course recommend your site to anyone interested in blogs in Costa Rica and on interesting topics.
I’m sorry I was so rough on you. I’ve been hanging out on Facebook too much lately, having long “debates” on the topic of health care and all my liberal friends hate me now… So I’m a little touchy on the subject. Please don’t refrain from commenting! I think I’m just over this topic… usually I can stand going back and forth a few rounds on most anything. Maybe in a few days I’ll be ready to have a go again… You are right: the misinformation on both sides is astounding. Pura vida!