Excellent People

My friend Jan sent me a link to her niece’s blog. Jessie is volunteering in Uganda. All I did was read her profile and can’t wait to read the rest… She’s a TEENAGER. Hopefully, she can marry one of my sons. Oh. And one more thing: Invisible...

Speaking of Letting Go

From the time I can remember, whenever you’d say, "Bye, bye, Granny Boo," she’d always answer, "Bye, bye, darlin’," in that southern Virginia accent. Every time. Even when I called her last summer at Little Sisters Of The...

Teen Tours Jungle Without Mommy

They (you know, experts like Oprah) say like attracts like. I tend to agree. Some People In The Know say opposites attract. I’m not so sure about that, except with magnets. I think we are often fascinated with things different from us. Like Hal being a guy. But...