There is a grass-roots campaign to save M-Bags! Hallelujah!!! Click here for the info in a .pdf

You can sign a petition online, takes a second and these do have an effect. Even if you never plan to send any books to me, please sign the petition because maybe someday somebody will if it’s cheap enough.

In the meantime, the Ladies of the Lake in Tilaran, a town on the north west corner of Lake Arenal, have started a kid’s lending library. Not only does their library depend on the kindness of strangers sending books from abroad, but donated books have traveled affordably to other not-for-profit organizations around the globe. That is, until May 14th when the post office did away with M-Bags.

So if you can’t think of me and my needs, think of books for kids world-wide and sign the petition. THANK YOU!

The boys and I are leaving first thing in the am for Camp Jungle2Jersey. Hal is not going. I almost envy him…

A few comments have built up in my inbox and I’ve not responded to them, but I will, I promise. Sometimes it takes me a long time to write back… I suppose I’m waiting for the stars to align before responding. Or for my emotional response to said comment to come full circle. Or maybe I’m just procrastinating. In any event: I will respond, I always do. Eventually. Please be patient – I appreciate your comments and suggestions and questions!!! I’m taking my laptop but don’t know if I’ll have internet access for the next week… we’ll see.

Hope the boys and I don’t step on any turtles in the dark. Say a little prayer for us all. Pura vida.

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