"Life is too strange."

So says Jen from Dominica. No kidding. Here’s what else she said:

"I am an expat living on the island of Dominica and I found your blog because I recently wrote an article for Escape Artist on Expat Culture Shock.

Anyway, I graduated from Lindenwood in 1974 [three years before I did] with a worthless degree in Communications [she should have emphasized Drama, like I did… then she could have gotten a good waitressing job]. Later I went back to school to get a skill [like I did].

How odd that someone else from Lindenweed is just across the puddle from my obscure island home…

I love your blog! I am putting up a link to you."


P.S. Where is Dominica? Here’s a map of the island. And where it sits on the earth.

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