"I once had a girlfriend known as Elsie. With whom I shared four sordid rooms in Chelsea. She wasn’t what you’d call a blushing flower. As a matter of fact, she rented by the hour." Sung by Liza as Sallie Bowles in Cabaret
When I met Xavier, he was the junk mail king of Key West. Of course, I fell in love with him! Since then, our policy is to happily take and read every piece of paper handed out by anyone anywhere. Keeping printers busy worldwide (sorry to my treehugger friends…)
So when I saw the guy coming towards me with this junk flyer on a busy street, I rolled down my window to take it. It’s advertising cabinas that you can rent by the hour with private baths, hot water, room service, private parking and music. $8 for 2 hours, $12 for 6 hours, $18 for 12 hours. I guess no one stays 24?
If the phone number is too small to read, click the photo. It will open up in a bigger window. Area code is 506. Esperamos servirle. [We wait to serve you.]
This sounds like a ‘motel’ which is the name in CR that is applied to places available for trysting (to word it delicately).
It’s interesting that it is less expensive to stay 6 hours than it is to stay 9 hours. Is that a hint, do you suppose?
Who can “stay” for 9?