Be afraid. Be very, very afraid. Backpacker Mom is having the time of her life. It can go this badly in the states, for sure. Make sure you choose your location, architect, builders and advisors carefully. DO NOT BUILD FROM AFAR. Once your new home is built (properly) and you are in, it is heaven. The sad thing is when people don't survive the hell…
Thinking of Building A House?
Jan 26, 2007 | Building, Cost of Living, Culture Shock, Living-In, Moving-To, Real Estate | 1 comment
It’s easy building a house compared to getting water, telelphone, and electric installed to it. People have to realize WE WAIT our life here for ICE.
p.s. It’s hell building too (especially up a mountain) and I’d never start from scratch with no infastructure. Many do, and it works out for them.
Help me write a book – “Survive CR”, please?
We’ll be RICH!