When ticos on this side of the valley vant to be alone at night, they drive up here to my house, lean against their cars (parked where Mo is standing in the black shirt) and laugh and while away the hours enjoying the view. Often with music. And often, like last night and at least 6 of the 15 nights we’ve lived here, till 1am.

It’s not bad, really, not like they are in my living room. I just hear
muffled voices and an occasional guffaw. View_from_here_3At first, it was a little disconcerting,
but, after taking a deep breath at midnight, I decide I wouldn’t infringe on it for anything. It’s nice to be privy to a joy so local.

View_from_here_2And who could blame them for taking the trip up here? These last four photos show the view during the day – takes four photos to get it all in with my trusty Canon. Even with the clouds hiding the tops of the mountains across the way, it’s an incredible view. On a clear day, it’s frickin’ phenomenal.
On weekend days, families come and sit on the vacant lot across the street (where Ryan is standing in the red shirt).

View_from_here_1At night, it’s stunning: lights as far as you can see. Like Christmas every day. So if you vant to be alone, come on up. We can be alone together.

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