Rainforest Salad

Photos of food are hard. Especially half-eaten food. But I couldn’t take the time to pretty up this bowl because I was afraid someone else would come along and eat it before I could. Have I mentioned that Hal can cook? Oh man. He can go into a kitchen that...

Buying In Bulk

I never used to buy in bulk because I like to shop. If you buy in bulk, you don’t get to go to the grocery store as often. But if you want gringo goods in Costa Rica, Pricesmart (PS) has the biggest selection, and they only sell in bulk. They sell everything:...

Takin’ The Cocoa Cure

PRE-PROLOGUE: During our 24 hours of hell, the only thing we discovered is that Xavier’s blood pressure is in the high range of normal. Not high blood pressure, as he is quick-like-lightening to point out, just in the tippy-top limit of normal. "Which is...

“What Are THOSE…

…por favor?" We utter these words constantly at the farmer’s market. Then follow up with, "What do you do with it?" or "How do you prepare it?" There are so many odd, funny looking, sometimes inedible-looking, yet delicious fruits...

Do You See What I See?

Aaahhhh. Whining works. My friend Dianne on the other side of the valley spotted these in Auto Mercado. We went yesterday and there they were! Of course, this little box is $5. But that’s at least as much as it costs to get them here… My life is damn near...

Breakfast of Costa Rican Champions

Comida tipica [ko-ME-da TI-pi-ka or typical food] is the watchword for gallo pinto [GA-jo PEEN-toe or speckled cock]. Don’t ask me WHY a side dish is named after a painted rooster. Why would someone name a pudding "spotted dick"? We’ll have to...

Stinky Cheese

Ok, moving to Honduras is now out of the question. Although I do need to go and meet La Gringa! She’s written a revealing, informative and funny little post about Hondurans and their cheese. Made me laugh out loud! So, La Gringa, to get the really good stuff,...


We love buddah. Not Buddha (although a little awakening did take place.) I’m talkin’ about BUTTER: creamy, light yellow, a little salty. Yum. Butter-loving goes back a long way in my family. Mom says, when she was little, Granny Boo would make her sugar...