Saratica is in the intensive care unit of Clinica Biblica in San Jose. She has a particularly nasty form of pneumonia. She will be sedated for at least the next three days and maybe longer. I will put more information here as I have it.

She and her family would appreciate prayers or whatever get-well vibes you beam out for her.


P.S. A few of the locals have asked about visiting. Sally is being kept in a medical coma. I don’t expect she will be brought out of it before Monday morning. I’ll let everyone know when that happens.

I’m generally at the hospital sometime during the visiting hours of 7-9am, 11am-1pm, and 7-9pm.

I thank everyone for their warm support. If I haven’t answered you personally it’s because I’m a mess and have a hard time holding it together when I have to talk about her condition.

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