This post was first written in 2009. As of today (11/14/19), there is an updated version on my current blog here.
“Those who are unaware are unaware of being unaware”.
— Merrill Jenkins, economist and author
Debating vaccination on social sites takes so much time. Mostly because I have to repeat my reasoning every time the topic comes up, remember where I saw the documentation behind the apparently insane idea that vaccination is not all it’s cracked up to be. No more: this is my Vaccination Screed. (Good word, huh?) If anyone wants to debate vaccines, I’d love to. They will need to read this first and I promise to read whatever they throw at me. You know, like studies proving vaccines are safe (there aren’t any) and effective (none of those either). Then we can debate from a level playing field.
If you don’t have kids, you’ve had all your vaccinations and are perfectly healthy, this post may not interest you.
If you have kids and aren’t 100% on the vaccination thing, why not read up before you decide? You’ll at least get a good start here.
If you’ve had all your vaccinations and are NOT healthy, there’s a chance your illness is related to injected junk. Today’s illness might be, if not cured, then much-relieved by removing the junk via chelation and bio-medical intervention.
If you follow me down this rabbit hole, you’ll meet people who’ve cured themselves and their children of incurable disease. The funny thing is, you are not likely to hear of these methods from your doctor. In fact, your doctor will laugh at you if you mention them. As will your friends. Your enemies will have a field day. Even though none of them have done any research.
But, then, why would they? What they know about vaccination was told to them by Doctors, the indisputable Gods of the 20th century, who learned about it from a drug salesperson or journal article (possibly written by a Big Pharma ghostwriter), all verified by public indoctrination schooling and the MSM. And everyone – doctors, teachers, MSM employees, you and me – assumes there’s hard science behind vaccinations. Don’t worry, we’ll be gettin’ to that.
Oh, and don’t tell me the “vaccine question has been answered.” Maybe it was at one time. Back when the world was flat.
The problem is not vaccination. From what I understand, the science behind vaccination seems sound. It mimics the way you get natural immunity. Take smallpox. Put some smallpox in your body, your body attacks it, builds up antibodies, bingo: immunity. It’s in the perversion of the science where one finds the root of vaccine evil:
#1. It’s one thing to vaccinate against a true deadly virus, like smallpox, another to vaccinate against every little germ that comes along, like swine flu. Here’s the thing: natural immunity lasts forever. Vaccine induced lasts but a few years. Many childhood diseases are more severe for adults. If one suffers the disease in childhood, one has little chance of dying from it yet gets lifelong immunity. But get vaccinated and, when immunity runs out and you get the disease, you are more likely to suffer devastating consequences, like death. Risk/benefit.
#2. Vaccines are chock-full of nasty additives: neomycin, formaldehyde, thimerisol, aluminum, to name a few. And cultivated in unappealing places: tissue from diseased monkey brains, aborted fetal tissue, rotten eggs. You are injecting this crap into your bloodstream. Um, the smallpox vaccine didn’t have any of this.
#3. We vaccinate against everything, regardless of risk/benefit. Like Rubella. Rubella causes a mild rash and fever for two days. Rubella only poses a danger to a pregnant woman who may pass it to her fetus. So… why do we give infants two doses of Rubella vaccination? They are out of the danger zone. We fill infants with crap to protect pregnant women? Even though no one around them is pregnant anymore?
And why do we give two to four doses of the Hep B vaccine to infants when Hep B is only transmitted by blood? Particularly when this vaccination is no longer effective after eight years. Do you reckon your infant will be a drug abuser or prostitute? Is our blood supply so tainted we can’t trust it against Hep B?
An aside: the CDC reports 99,000 U.S. deaths per year from nosocomial infections: infections which are a result of treatment in a hospital, most of which are preventable. The truth is mainstream medicine kills more people than almost anything else, yet we can’t wait to bow and scrape at its feet if a new germ appears? Insanity.
#4. Is all this vaccination shutting down our bodies’ natural ability to build immunity, leaving us vulnerable? MRSA came about because little germs had to get tough to fight disinfectant in hospitals. We could be setting ourselves up for a real pandemic. Maybe one day we’ll all die from the common cold. Or acne.
“Immunisation programs against the flu, measles, mumps, polio, etc., actually may be seeding humans with RNA to form pro-viruses…which under proper conditions become activated and cause a variety of diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus erythematoses, Parkinson’s disease, and cancer. Spare me this ‘medical miracle’.” –Dr. Robert Simpson, Rutgers University, 1987
#5. Aside from undermining our natural ability to build immunity, what is the long term effect of shooting all this poison into our bodies? Oh, no studies on that?
I wasn’t born wary of vaccination, the FDA, the CDC, Big Pharma, my government and doctors. But trust must be earned and I can’t think of a single thing any of those entities have done to earn my trust. Au contraire. The more I know, the less I trust.
If I could quickly share with you everything I’ve learned since August 2008, I’d do it. But, as a pro-vaccine friend said to me recently when I quoted a tiny bit of data on polio, “You can’t just pick 2 or 3 years out of a hat and call it a trend. You need to look at all the data. That is science, not opinion.” Nor can you squeeze over a year of constant study and information overload into a single post. Although I’ve done my best.
“The CDC would be the last place in the world to go for information regarding health. The CDC is a government bureacracy funded by theft (taxation that has reached confiscatory levels) and run by white collar criminals who regularly misinform and misdirect the public while creating pandemonium in the marketplace (unnecessary destruction of livestock, recalls etc) and conspiring to incite public panic on an almost daily basis, in violation of the Constitution of the United States.”–Dr Duffy, Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine
Perhaps you think Dr. D is a little hard on the CDC. Finish this post, follow the links, watch the videos. Then we’ll talk.
And science? Forget science, there is no science. I almost LOLed at another friend’s link to the CDC because “that’s where all the science is.” Not LOLed at my friend, but at how foolishly we presume the CDC makes recommendations based on science. There is no vaccine science, much less on the CDC website. None. Hard to believe, I know. Go look, like I and thousands of parents have. You won’t find any. In fact, the vaccine truther’s current rallying cry is “Show us the science.” Should be easy, right?
“My suspicion, which is shared by others in my profession, is that the nearly 10,000 SIDS deaths that occur in the United States each year are related to one or more of the vaccines that are routinely given children. The pertussis vaccine is the most likely villain, but it could also be one or more of the others.” —Dr. Mendelsohn, M.D.
Take SIDS, for instance. On vaccines and SIDS, Wikipedia says:
“Vaccination does not increase the risk of SIDS. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: From 2 to 4 months old, babies begin their primary course of vaccinations. This is also the peak age for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). The timing of these two events has led some people to believe they might be related. However, studies have concluded that vaccines are not a risk factor for SIDS.[108]”
Hey, studies, whaddya know! But, oops, the CDC’s 108-link goes to a Page Not Found. I found the CDC’s main SIDS page. At the bottom is a link for SIDS and Vaccinations. I clicked: Page Not Found. That CDC is such a tease. Could you just post the studies and end the debate??? Or could it really be coincidence that SIDS occurs at the same time as primary vaccinations? So far, “coincidence theory” is what vaccine pushers rely on for proof: “Millions would have died without this vaccine.”
But back to me. I have 100s of sites bookmarked: information, documents, yahoo groups, personal stories, videos, podcasts, you name it. The info is dripping out my ears, puzzle pieces painting an unholy alliance. Is today’s vaccination policy rooted in profit or public health? The profit is ginormous, the corruption well-documented. There is no proof these vaccines are safe or necessary, and a mountain of evidence to the contrary. Call me crazy (many do), but I’m going with the evidence.
Both of my sons were born perfectly healthy. One had a a seizure after the first Hep B vaccine. He is fine today. The other mysteriously developed asthma at three. No doctor has a clue why. They know what drugs to prescribe to mask the symptoms. They know how to warn me about the dangers of not taking the drugs. But they don’t know why it happened, or how to control it, other than with drugs.
Funny, with a little research on the internet, we learned from other moms how to control asthma with diet and very little drug intervention. We are hoping to cure it with chelation. It sure won’t hurt him. How come no doctor ever took us down this path?
We didn’t give any more vaccines after Mo’s seizure. Not that I knew what it was really. I just never liked the vaccines, the seizure was scary and I was too disorganized to pay attention to a vaccine schedule. I’m sure I could have been frightened into giving them all, particularly if the boys had gone to public school. Thank goodness Hal insisted on home schooling.
“Anything that implies that immunisations are not the greatest medical advance in the history of public health is ignored or ridiculed. Can you imagine the economic and political import of discovering that immunisations are killing thousands of babies?” —Dr. Douglass M.D.
The government who helps force these vaccinations upon us refuses to do any meaningful study. Why is that? I say follow the money. If they did a study and found out vaccines cause more harm than good, the backlash would be ginormouser. Picture Congress being visited by over 3,000,000 enraged mothers (of vaccine damaged kids), then sued, collectively and individually. Yummy.
Here’s a taste of where I’ve been lately. There are 100s more links in my bookmarks folder:
- Desiree Jennings got a flu shot
- Swine Flu: Cases Overestimated?
- There is ton of info on swine flu right now. You will easily find that the regular flu vaccine has been debunked everywhere: it has only been shown effective in people over 65 and even that is shaky.
- Am. Lung Assoc. flu & pneumonia surprising facts.
- Page 4: “For the second year in a row, pneumonia and influenza together remained the eighth leading cause of death in the U.S. in 2005. Pneumonia consistently accounts for the overwhelming majority of these deaths. In 2005, 61,189 people died from pneumonia and 1,812 people died from influenza.”
- Page 4 bottom: “For the 65 and over population, pneumonia and influenza are the sixth leading cause of death. Close to 90% of deaths due to these diseases occur in this age group. Very few deaths are attributed to influenza in the population under age 55. As seen in the 2005 mortality statistics, the highest death rate for influenza is in those over age 85.”
- Page 9: See actual number of deaths from flu alone.
- From the American Lung Association
- CDC on flu
- Why would anyone bother to get a flu shot? Why has the CDC not challenged the “flu kills 36,000 people a year in the U.S.” lie? Flu kills almost no one. Pneumonia kills old people. What a scam. All to sell drugs… unless you can think of another reason?
- Scandals & wrongfully convicted
- Sean‘s case
- On one of the videos listed below (think it’s the first one), you’ll hear the story of a family that proved their “shaken baby syndrome” was caused by vaccination.
- Ian dies after Hep B vaccine, good info. Brace yourself for the photos. If I’d seen this before, no way would I have had my boys vaccinated. Fair warning.
GARDASIL: Barabara Loe Fisher always has the facts.
- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
- Even CBS has questions
- Teen girl dies of tumor, not vaccine… So the coroner is saying she would have died that morning regardless of whether or not she received the vaccine. Within 2 hrs of her jab she was dead, but the vaccine is not implicated at all. This is such a fantastic lie, I’m amazed anyone believes it.
- If you go to the CDC website and read about Gardasil, you’ll see the word “may” everywhere: as in “may” cause cervical cancer, “may” prevent cervical cancer, blah blah blah. They don’t know. Or, they are lying.
Here’s a little info on Merck, who brings us Gardasil. The case against Merck is so damning, it is hard to believe the CEOs are not in jail.
- Largest health care fraud settlement in DOJ history
- Dumped vaccine and chemical waste in public water supply
- Medicaid “mistakes”
- Fosamax
- Hiding negative test results for Vytorin
- Skimped on taxes (although the IRS goes after big pockets routinely)
- Vioxx 27,000 dead and lawsuits galore
- Recalls 2.1 million doses of childhood vaccine
- Drew up a list of doctors to be neutralized for criticizing its drugs
Why would anyone take a drug made by Merck?
FDA & Big Pharma:
- Mercola on FDA
- Dr. Weil is threatened by the FDA, FTC over immune-boosting supplements. But Merck is allowed to stay in business.
- Mercola on FDA & Big Pharma’s cozy relationship
- Who’s on the FDA’s Advisory Committees?
SV40: cancer-causing DNA virus that was – whoops – put into a polio vaccine
POLIO: Already on the way out before vaccine developed: 1952 saw 58,000 cases; 1953 less than 35,000; first vaccine introduced 1955. Google it, it’s everywhere.
First places I go for vaccine information:
- Barbara Loe Fisher’s
- Jenny McCarthy, Jim Carrey, Stan Kurtz at
- (a clearinghouse of info so includes the “out there” stuff)
- Yahoo groups: AustimMercury, frequent-dose-chelation, GFCFKids, adult-metal-chelation, mb12valtrex
Two moms who cured autism with mercury chelation (using Andy Cutler‘s protocol) and bio-medical intervention:
- Vaccinations – the Hidden Truth
- Are Vaccines Safe?
- Vaccine Nation
- Prescription for Disaster
- Making a Killing: on the psychotropic drugs we give America’s children… from age 2
- Excellent faqs re. diseases we vaccinate against on this home school mom’s page.
- Tattling on the vaccine industry
- Vaccine liberation
- Shirley’s Wellness Cafe
I’ll add to this page as I find new information so it’s all in one place. If anyone can prove vaccines are harmless and good for us, sign me up. I am ready to be wrong. Then we can move on to discovering why our children are sicker every year in every way, in lockstep with increasing Big Pharma intervention. Coincidence?
Why do I care? My vaccination decisions have been made. The thing is, I’ve been made a fool of on the vaccine front to line someone else’s pocketbook. That makes me angry. I also don’t like people thinking I’m stupid. (So… I risk looking stupid to prove I’m not stupid. Really: this is a smart thing.) Injustice makes me nuts. I don’t want anymore kids damaged or killed by vaccines. And I need people in my camp in order to force the government to take a hard look at the vaccines they are mandating. Before they really mandate them and take away my choice in the matter.
I really hate being manipulated. Do not try to scare me into being vaccinated against every germ that comes down the pike. Besides, it’s smarter to butch up for a little lifelong immunity. As long as it’s still my choice, that’s the path I’m taking.
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent busybodies. The robber barons’ cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” –C.S. Lewis
UPDATES 10 October 2010:
Where there are comments, be sure to read them. They are usually from families who do not vaccinate. Their experiences and suggestions are invaluable.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop’s blog post about whether or not to sign her doctor’s form about why she does not vaccinate: CLICK HERE CLICK HERE
Vaccination Liberation: CLICK HERE
Dr. Tenpenney on Facebook, excellent way to stay on top of the latest: CLICK HERE
Pebble Crossing’s blog post about Vaccines: Are they safe and effective? CLICK HERE
Immunization Laws: CLICK HERE
Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education (PROVE) CLICK HERE
Meet the unstoppable Lorrin and her friends:
Stay Healthy Enjoy Life’s blog post on Vaccines: Do the benefits outweigh the risks? CLICK HERE
Dr. Patricia Jordan’s website The Mark of the Beast. My sentiments exactly: CLICK HERE
UPDATES 18 January 2011:
Sarah, the Healthy Home Economist, has a couple of great posts:
More to come!
Wow – excellent post! My husband and I do not vaccinate our children based on information such as this. His family has a history of reactions and I had terrible ear aches growing up. We both had a lot of doubt that vaccinations are a “cure all” and definitely didn’t want to take the risk with our kids based on our personal experiences. Personal knowledge, not conferred by a doc, is power. Thank you for doing your part to share information so that people can make their own informed decisions. (PS – I found you through John and Jodi Stulak’s blog, in case you’re wondering. Glad I did!)
Great article, I will steal it so I don’t have to keep explaining also, thanks! Never vaccinated any of the 7 and none are vaccinating their kids either. More and more people are waking up and asking questions. As usual you are ahead of the game.
I haven’t talked to my daughter yet but hopefully she went through w/ not giving her almost 2yo the flu shots. She follows a modified schedule {far as I know anyway} from Dr. Sears on reg vaxes.
My daughter had decided not to give HepB to her dau upon birth b/c she was tiny & on a CPAP machine for days – her body had enough to do w/o adding a vax. Daughter signed the paper to delay the vax – the hospital gave it to her anyway. Possibly even before she was asked to sign for having it/not having it & it was in her birth plan to delay it. Not happy campers & I think M was prob in NICU longer than she would have been w/o the vax as she got better then got worse again.
Anyway, good for you for putting this out there. I’m glad your boys are okay. Oh BTW this same daughter ‘came down with’ asthma for a no apparent reason at age 2 or 3. Thankfully she outgrew it but my oldest daughter now has it – contracting it in Jr. High… I’m wondering if I researched it if there would happen to be a vax coorelation {sp}.
Thanks, you all. Please share away, post anywhere, steal it and post anyway you like. I was up all night writing this, once I got started. And I’m still thinking of stuff to add! And once you are down this rabbit hole, everything starts to look suspect…
Robin, did she have a tetanus shot in high school? I can’t think of other vaccines kids might have gotten then. Unless a booster or a special flu. We just filled up our bodies with whatever they said. Time for a little push back.
Thanks for posting this – what a great review Sara! I am doing a workshop on vaccination in my chiropractic office on Nov 3rd, and am inviting local moms groups, community groups, school principals and PTO and whoever else I can get the flyers to. It will be interesting to see who shows up since it is hard for many people to even entertain the idea that vaccination, held up there with baseball and apple pie as an american way…could have anything but a glorious effect that will keep us all from harm.
The more we all share what we know and at least provide enough info to cause people to question then that is a start.
Thanks, Susan. Good luck with your workshop. People are lining up for the swine flu vaccination without any idea of whether or not it’s safe.
Yes they are Sara…like lemmings to the sea.
Some of the folks around here (pennsylvania) are so scared – the media hype is working. One woman I talked to a few days ago, a mom of 2 young children, was panicked because her pediatricians office didn’t have the vaccine yet – I had to literally talk her down until she was calmer. As I asked her some questions, she thought about it, and by the time she left she may even consider not getting the flu shot for her kids.
It is like we have to slap some folks to get them to settle down long enough to just think! And not be manipulated by the hype.
Is this an issue in Costa Rica?
I saw the sign for “Gripe” flu shot at the pharmacy and asked if they had the shot for bird flu, no, it’s only at the hospital in S.J.
Thanks to you Sally, I don’t question my decision to not get any flu shots. Never have gotten them and I’m fine.
You are wonderful to do all this research and share with us!! -t
Good job, Susan! The government here in CR just issued a press release that was, without either supporting or opposing, a very sensible assessment of the many dangers, high cost, and questionable value of a mass vaccination, which they conclude should be carefully considered before being undertaken. Feel like we dodged a bullet! But Oscar Arias, the current president, 70 years old, asthma sufferer, had the swine flu and got over it easily.
Thanks, Teri! The more I know, the more it seems clear a flu shot does more harm than good.
Its scary that I can’t enroll my son in almost any school in CR if he doesn’t have a complete vaccination record.
I wonder if the rinitis, skin allergies and shortness of sight and even my family baldness are related to all the vaccines we have taken!
I would find a doctor who would give me a vaccination record. I’d say all those things are very likely – particularly any allergies – connected to mercury and the other toxins in the vaccines.
Susan wrote: “It is like we have to slap some folks to get them to settle down long enough to just think! And not be manipulated by the hype.
Is this an issue in Costa Rica? ”
I think in Costa Rica frankly people couldn’t care less, at least at this point in time. I watch US CNN and I see the US are at the point we were earlier in the year, a complete media circus (#1 infected, a girl, was almost sent to an island or something, poor soul. A month later no one cared who had it or not, go figure, newspeople get bored easily?).
At this point, people are more concerned on which holiday events are potentially being cancelled cause of the swine flu than the flu itself.
Good, smart ticos!!! Someone passed me a notice from La Nacion stating that while vaccination may be good, a mass vaccination should be contemplated carefully before undertaking. Yahoo! More common sense from Costa Rica, that’s twice this week. The first time being when they decided to – omg – follow the CR Constitution and not borrow money to pay current bills. The U.S. needs that amendment…
From “La Nacion” today:
Drug giant Novartis rejected the donation request of 50,000 AH1N1 vaccine shots made by C.R Health Minister, Maria Luisa Avila. This negative comes after Costa Rica was one of the countries where 4 inmunization options were tested by Novartis, 1 of which was finally chosen by the company. “We wanted some benefit back” said Avila. At $7 per shot the donation represented $350K. As a second option, the Minister asked for a virus secuencer, an equipment valued at $150K used to control AH1N1 testing. Novartis rejected this request as well.
Novartis offered a 5% discount from the cost of purchase of each vaccine. The Health Minister rejected this offer as it meant all vaccines would need to be purchased from Novartis, which is against the law as the provider is chosen by public bidding. Vaccines are expected to be available by year’s end.”
Today M.L. Avila seemed pretty upset on the morning TV shows and called Novartis “stingy”.
Thank you Novartis!!!!
Blessings come in funny packaging sometimes!
Poor Novartis: not making enough money??? I guess they are watching their profits slip away as more and more people say no f-ing way to that vaccine.
My goodness – where to begin with so much misinformation and anecdotes instead of facts…
Dr. Sears? Any parent with a young child (esp. with any health issues) who decides they can just skip the swine flu vaccine astounds me. A lot of risk based on little or no facts.
I’d direct you to a few websites with some facts but I doubt you’d want to believe them anyway (like the CDC) but at least go to this one:
Chiropractors, incidentally, are not trained medical professionals and their advice on vaccines should not be trusted. Take a look some time at what their education entails. Nice short cut to a good pay profession, but on a par with athletic trainers.
Well, you are going to have to work a little harder if you want to make a dent here. First of all: read all the links I provided and watch all the videos. Then we can debate this.
Your link leads to a blog post wherein Paul Offit disagrees with Dr. Sears’s suggestion of a prudent vaccine schedule. You mean, Paul Offit, the vaccine patent holder? Please.
You say, “Any parent with a young child (esp. with any health issues) who decides they can just skip the swine flu vaccine astounds me.” You obviously have not followed the links and watched the videos I posted. Most of us blame vaccines for our children’s health issues. There is zero scientific evidence that we are wrong about that conclusion.
You say, “A lot of risk based on little or no facts.” Please direct me to the scientific facts establishing the safety and necessity of the swine flu vaccine.
You don’t trust chiropractors but mainstream doctors are beyond reproach? Mainstream doctors kill approximately 200,000 people a year from medical mistakes. Prescription drugs kill 300% more people every year than illegal drugs do. How many people do chiropractors kill?
You say, “I’d direct you to a few websites with some facts…” Please do. Only if they have the science to back up their claims. I look forward to it.
A little more on Paul Offit:
My wife and I did not vaccinate our daughter (actually, we caved on the first one at two months, then stopped). But now she is 10 yrs, and facing a round of ‘boosters’ for hep b, etc. and HPV too. I am inclined to go with them now — when she was an infant it just seemed wrong to inflict this stuff on her; but now I think she’ll be more resilient to the side effects. (It’s a little late for H1N1 — we got sick last week and pulled thru).
But even though I have misgivings about vax, I also share some of RS’s misgivings about the the rhetoric of this screed. Amassing information without methodology is not actually research; anecdote is not argument; polemics is not persuasion. While on the one hand you rail against the medical profession, on the other you are quick to quote Dr. Simpson, Dr. Mendholsson and Dr. Sears — yet (aside from Dr. Sears who is well enough known) you offer no documentation of the source or context of these quotations — and indeed the quotation from Dr. Simpson seems to be one log-rolled among antivax websites, and to the best of my google understanding seems to have been a comment made at a convention in 1977.
I do value your opinion and passion — and I share some of your healthy skepticism of the pharma-med complex; but alas, this same skeptical nature prevents me from embracing willy-nilly the claims of anti-vax, chelation-positive, conspiracy-theory advocates. While I believe that your motives are generous and caring, I believe there are many self-serving, avaricious, delusional, power-hungry, careerist, demagogues on both sides of this issue. And if science can be mistaken and hijacked, so too can its critics.
Thank you. I agree with most everything you say. I take everything I have learned and make an educated guess. A guess because there is no science.
On the pro-vaccine side, all you have is “information without methodology [which] is not actually research; anecdote [which] is not argument; polemics [which] is not persuasion.”
Here’s the bottom line: why would you inject known poisons into your/her body with zero scientific evidence that it does any good and is not harmful?
I am mystified why you would do so much research (I’m assuming that’s how you found my blog?) then decide to give your daughter any shots at all, in particular the Hep B and HPV. The anecdotal history of the dangers of these two shots are pretty overwhelming. The risks of your daughter ever getting these diseases is decidedly underwhelming. Risk/reward.
Please watch all the videos and read all that I have posted. Visit and
You can’t undo vaccination and, unless your daughter is sexually active at 10, she is at no risk at the moment. She can have those boosters anytime.
Finally, if you decide to vaccinate, I would dearly love to know what was the deciding factor. What was the reward that made the risk worth it. (Or maybe you think there is no risk – I’d like to know.) Thank you.
Re. Dr. Simpson, I did research him and, as recently as 2007, he is a Professor Emeritus at Rutgers. I don’t find anything on that quote – I think by the time I got to that one, since it matches my conclusions and scientific evidence that too much over-drugging of a germ makes it grow stronger (to put it in the simplest terms so this doesn’t turn into another blog post), that I put it in the post. I notice he is not quoted on nvic or genrescue. Unless I can find some good source on him, I will stop quoting him.
There is plenty on Mendelsohn. And I found this on
Jenny, I can’t get into John and Jodi Stulak’s blog. How do I do that? I’d love to put a link to them here… maybe I do already and don’t know it? Thank you.
I’ve been following your blog for well over a year. Sonny told me about it (I’ve built most of the Sunny Days fleet either in KW or St. Croix). This vaccination subject is something that’s come up for us again. We had a son 9 months ago in St. Croix during the build of “Island Express”, Sonny’s latest boat. After doing a fair amount of research, we chose not to vaccinate and appreciated this blog when you posted it. We are now living in Hawaii, where none of this is an issue. However, we are contemplating moving to Costa, and it seems some vaccinations would be in order. We’d obviously like to use single dose w/o thimerosal and pick which ones carefully. I would imagine that would be impossible to find in Costa, and we will likely have to spend a few months on the west coast to take care of this. My email address is included and if you could find the time, I’d appreciate your thoughts on necessary vaccinations for living in central america. I have lived in Costa before and don’t think of it as a third world country, but I also believe chances of exposure to certain diseases are higher, especially coming from the states, where you are generally not very careful. Thanks.
Hi Joe, nice to meet you! Sonny and Kathy are good friends and we still keep in touch, mostly via Facebook!
In Costa Rica, vaccines are mandatory for attending school, don’t know if you can get out of it. We homeschooled so it wasn’t an issue. But we would not have vaccinated in any event: no way, no how. Vaccines are not a part of my life until there’s some science proving the safety and efficacy. But there’s not: there are only drug-company bought “studies”… They’ve been caught lying so many times, why anyone would trust them is beyond me.
Re. Costa Rica and disease: There are no new diseases here that I know of. The only thing you’d risk getting here that you can’t get anywhere else (except subtropic key west and maybe hawaii) is dengue and there’s no vaccine for that.
What diseases are you worried about? Maybe I can find out about those.
I will email you, too!