Here we go again. With a vengeance! The rain started a little over two weeks ago and has hardly let up. The skies open up around 1pm and the day’s downpour commences. These days, it’s been a steady soaking rain till dark. Sometimes beyond.
Please don’t remind me I live in a rainforest. How could I forget?
If this goes like the last two years, May is pretty wet, almost like October. Then June and July offer light spotty rains, not too bad. This is a good time to visit: wet (or "green") season prices without too much wet. Late July, the skies start to open up again and it’s a slow build till October when it’s rainin’ all the time.
This is the rainest May we’ve seen in the two we’ve been here. Much wetter. I don’t mind the rain, once I get over wanting to sleep all the time. Sunny mornings, cooler weather, lots of butterflies, everything is, ahem, green and flowering. As long as we don’t get to rainin’ all the time right off the bat! We’ll see… right now, I’m loving it.
Besides, not only is the green season an excellent time to plant, to ponder the Spiritual Condition… it’s an excellent chance to learn to podcast!
In the meantime, this afternoon the Geezer Band* is singing at a birthday party. For MONEY. A 75th birthday party, so we will seem like the youngsters. I’m looking on the sunny side these days! Why not? It’s all good.
*Find mention of Harmony Roads under The Club, Music & Dance Scene section. Hey, it’s fame of a sort… and, OK, we were mentioned in Frommer’s because a part-time band member writes for them.
Hola, Saratica,
Any thoughts on the likely weather in and around Tuis de Turrialba from now through August. I’m thinking about doing a 2 week Spanish intensive course at CISA (possibly followed by a full physical and, ahem, other procedures, at Hospital Clinica Biblica, while I’m “in the neighborhood”).
I just completed another course in self-paced Spanish through my local community college a couple days ago. Per my usual school pattern, I did about 90% of the semester’s work in the last couple of days before the deadline, staying up until 4:00am 2 days in a row, and then went in on deadline day, Saturday morning, to take all 4 chapter tests and the final back-to-back. Sigh… Soy “procrastinador” grande.
Rain. It’s wetter in Turrialba because it’s got more rainforest there. But quiet and beautiful. Just wet. But nothing like learning Spanish in Costa Rica – you’ll get to practice it!!! You can’t put it off if you depend on Spanish to eat… And we’ve had “work” done at Clinica Biblica, great hospital.
Muchas gracias. Sorry to hear about all the rain in Turrialba, but I was kind of expecting it. I’m not a big fan of rain (at least, not the constant variety). On the other hand, I believe you were the one who advised me a while back that if you’re in the country to take an intensive Spanish class, you’re going to be spending a lot of time inside focused on learning, anyway. Hasta luego.
Had to comment, because I’m so glad to know I’m not the only one who gets sleepy with the rain. It’s been strange, waking up to the cloudy skies and then sometimes having it clear up a bit by afternoon. Things are backwards!
I wouldn’t know we were surrounded by mountains here in the valley by looking out the window today. Misty, misty, misty, but it sure is great to see everything so beautiful and green. Still, I’m hoping we return to normal rainy season patterns soon. I’m not ready for all rain, all the time.
Me, neither! Still got the cozy feeling and I’m going to take it one day at a time. I got a little tiny anxiety about too much rain too fast… last October was WET!