We have one and a half years to learn the National Hymn of Costa Rica. If I listen to this everyday, I’m sure I can master it. I will also know how to spell National Hymn of Costa Rica in several languages:
Lyrics so you can sing along:
Noble patria, tu hermosa bandera
expresión de tu vida nos da;
bajo el límpido azul de tu cielo
blanca y pura descansa la paz.En la lucha tenaz,
de fecunda labor
que enrojece del hombre la faz,
conquistaron tus hijos
labriegos sencillos
eterno prestigio, estima y honor,
eterno prestigio, estima y honor.¡Salve, o tierra gentil!
¡Salve, o madre de amor!
Cuando alguno pretenda tu gloria manchar,
verás a tu pueblo valiente y viril,
la tosca herramienta en arma trocar.Salve oh Patria tú pródigo suelo,
dulce abrigo y sustento nos da;
bajo el límpido azul de tu cielo
¡vivan siempre el trabajo y la paz!
In English:
Noble homeland, your beautiful flag
Express for us your life:
Under the limpid blue of your skies,
Peace reigns, white and pure.In the tenacious battle of fruitful toil,
That brings a glow to men’s faces,
Your sons, simple farm hands,
Gained eternal renown, esteem and honour,Hail, gentle country!
Hail, loving mother!
If anyone should attempt to besmirch your glory,
You will see your people, valiant and virile,
Exchange their rustic tools for weapons.Hail, O homeland! Your prodigal soil
Gives us sweet sustenance and shelter.
Under the limpid blue of your sky,
May peaceful labour ever continue.
Not only that but you also have to pass a test (in Spanish of course) of our basic history/social studies
I was hoping if I sang the song good enough… It’s the test I’m really worried about. Spanish is hard and I have no patience to sit in a classroom and learn it. The boys do great with Jorge. I have a good ear and a good memory, but learning the pronouns, sentence constructtion and all the tenses takes actual STUDY. ack. We are all at a point where a homestay would be really really beneficial. If I could get to a point of being good and comfortable in Spanish, maybe I could actually have a hope of passing the test… we’ll see. I think it’s like five years at least before citizenship is a possibility, so there’s a wee bit of time.
Love it. No friggin’ “bombs bursting” in mid air among the verses. Just a strong appreciation of a gentle and beautiful land.
Good luck with the Spanish. Do you actually have to SING for residency?
Yes, but you sing with a bunch of other people so it’s not like a solo. Unless you happen to be the only one applying that day. A couple of people told me they were relieved to be in a group because they can’t carry a tune.
Do you have to sing the Star-Spangled Banner for citizenship in the U.S.? Pledge your allegiance to spreading democracy? No matter what it takes… (Gee, I think I just quoted Arp.)
Its funny – and embarrasing – that after 34 years of life finally I get the meaning of “la tosca herramienta en arma trocar” and that I had to read the translation in english to understand what it meant !!!!!!
And a lovely sentiment it is!